
You may not think it's an issue, but you've given yourself permanent hearing damage by doing that. Sustained 80+dB will destroy your hearing.

Wear earplugs at the very least. You still hear everything and feel everything, and you go home with your hearing intact.

It's some mind blowing stuff.

Yes, the drink takes priority. And talking on a phone or texting (obviously texting is worse) is the same, if not worse than driving drunk. The only difference is that you can't just turn off being drunk like you can a phone.

Some might even say the drunk is the better driver because he is actually trying to drive -

Clearly it doesn't since you're talking on the phone.

That's like the alcoholic saying that they're great at driving drunk.

Anecdotal evidence that doing anything besides paying attention to the road while driving increases your risk of getting in a wreck.

I think that's really just called common sense.

The phone still compounds their likelihood of something bad happening. Just like the cigarette, burger, makeup, etc.

Nailed it.

The study is also only looking at wrecks happening after 9pm under the assumption that more people will talk on their phones because it's cheaper.

Traffic at 9pm is a lot different than traffic at 5pm. Less cars on the road = less risk of a wreck. That's just simple maths.

For one this article only cites fatal crashes and doesn't take into account fender benders and other minor wrecks.

There are plenty of peer reviewed papers that show a high causation of distracted driving from cell phone use being the major factor in wrecks.

Saying that talking on a phone while driving doesn't make you

They make it to the office because people like me get out of their way. You know damn well if there was any sort of emergency stop/maneuver that they had to make, they wouldn't be able to react in any reasonable amount of time.

These are the same people who do rush hour traffic like a race. See who can get to the end

I'm going to call anecdotal bullshit.

I see hundreds of people every day blabbing on their phones not paying a lick of attention on the road. A lady in a jag almost ran into me this afternoon because A) she didn't bother to put on a turn signal, and B) she didn't bother to look in my lane to see if there was a car

Volvo 240.

My guess is solar panels and IR heat capture through some sort of superconductive metal. That and the slow down could produce massive amounts of energy.

I Think you missunderstood the article as retire at 40 instead of having 40 years worth of investments before retirement.

Be honest?

I know the basics and a fair amount of the more advanced stuff, but I have no clue about certain aspects. Especially with my group of friends who have so many different amazing cars. Thankfully, when they know enough about something to talk about it, they can explain it in lay terms, and vice versa for me.


I'm a millennial (I think? born 27 y/o) and I don't want any of that shit. I drive an '11 Golf TDI and it's absolutely perfect. 2 doors, plenty of space, and decent towing capacity.

The only thing I would want more, is the VW hybrid diesel SUV that's a concept from last year. Only because it could haul more stuff and

Guys, those are drywall screws. Please stop confusing wood screws with drywall screws.

Seriously? Nobody said land?
