
you have two options if you want sex and your spouse doesnt:

Yep. That she thinks of “what a rational adult does as a matter of course” as “pampering” says a lot. It’s not pampering to do your fair share of household chores.

Republican politicians and pundits once again shocked to discover the Republican Party is full of Republicans.

I remain convinced that a huge chunk of this nation’s fucking problems can be traced back to the fact that we force parents to choose between caring for their children psychologically and emotionally, and being able to feed and shelter them. I can draw a straight fucking line from “paternity leave is for pussies” and

Eh, I’m not against dudes rapping about fucking; it’s a beautiful, natural thing. Cee-Lo’s problem is that he’s a misogynist and can’t compute the concept of strong women who use their power of sexuality. I guess he doesn’t like the idea of playing on a level playing-field?

This song is really getting the Streisand effect working for it. It’s not particularly good or clever, but there’s some bizarre 90's puritan outrage promising to make it one of the most notable songs of the year.

I’m sure Jezebel would be flattered to learn they are capable of “tanking” any candidate.

So, when’s that Harris versus Pence debate?

In my day it was Tipper Gore. IMO there is way, WAY too much attention paid to pop-culture junk in this country. We survived 2 Live Crew, we’ll survive “wet ass pussy”.

I am deeply grateful that I have not been assaulted, but when I was sexually harassed at work, the reporting process was more invasive, disruptive, upsetting, traumatic, hostile, and confusing than the instance of harassment I was reporting by an order of magnitude I still find difficult to wrap my head around. In the

Part of this is that the victim doesn’t want to relive the trauma by discussing it again and again. This is a multi-faceted issue. One, if the victim’s pain is reopened too much, that’s not healthy for them and they shouldn’t be forced to do it. Two, however, is that it adds to the difficulty of addressing the issue

PLEASE include either the National Suicide Prevention Hotline or some other relevant resource when posting articles that discuss suicide or self harm. It is genuinely not that hard. It seems that Jezebel has fully committed to not including this information on recent articles addressing suicide.

Heaven forfend that a Christian institution consider the context of the situation and show... Understanding? Mercy?

I would assume a lot of these students are young, from evangelical families and don’t have much say in the matter. 

It seems to have been an open secret on the internet that she was mean for a while. Back when she excused being friends with GWB some stories were trickling out. This current situation seems more prime? for airing her laundry at large.

Not giving Star Trek to Tarantino is a good thing. His sensibilities are all wrong for it. I’m sure the resulting film would have bern interesting, but it would not have been Star Trek.

That’s not a flip side and it’s not complicated. Some creative geniuses are troubled, some aren’t. Some are assholes, some aren’t. But there’s this idiotic myth of the Tortured Artist, and on top of that, the myth that if someone is creatively talented, then there is no other choice but to put up with their crap and

Except for the “brilliant” part. Singer never struck me as anything other than medium talent. 

Was about to block quote this exact section. Especially the “Unconsciously, we probably do enable them by turning a blind.”