
As someone who never desired kids, and likely can’t have kids; in a hunter gatherer society I likely would have been a hunter as well, and a gatherer (you’re already roaming around looking for prey, seems valid to pick up food you find anyway), my ability to hyperfocus likely would also be very useful in crafting

No no. They’ve been using socialism as a boogyman since the end of WW2. Communism and socialism is used interchangeably by the propagandists.

I’m right there with you. I have an exist plan and everything. The only reason I’m still alive is my pets, and my dad has no one else to take care of him.

Trump could be standing, literally, on some of these people’s necks, pissing on them and they’d still be like ‘He sure tells it like it is!’

I loved the customers but the people who run Gamestop are a bunch of Randian idiots who are so profoundly inefficient and incompetent.

There is a widow complaining that her dead husband’s vote is going to be thrown out...and because its for Trump others on the right are going ‘THAT’S SO SAD’

The way of the house husband! EEEEE! I love that manga! So looking forward to it in anime form!

I’m not onto black label anti-depressants. Basically nothing works for me so I get  your pain :(

I’m going to join the hate train on ‘How are you’. The answer is usually ‘Incredibly bad, shitty, horrible, near suicidal’. As much as people say ‘I’m here for you if you need to talk.’ they don’t actually know how to react to a mentally ill person’s needs or their issues.

My father is staunchly republican because of Guns. He’s pro-LGBTQ rights, isn’t against welfare or any of the usual crap Republicans go off on but Guns? Holy shit guns. Guns guns guns guns. He would vote for literally Satan himself as long as Satan was pro-gun.

This is basically a eugenicist dream.

This movie absolutely blows Disney’s efforts out of the water. It looks and animates so much better than anything they’ve made! It’s stylized and beautifully rendered! I am so excited for this!

Now playing

Sacha is an amazing person who uses weird performance art to reveal people’s deeply held, hidden or not so hidden bigotry. I don’t get the dislike for him, he seems like a very charming fellow and he’s using his comedy to show how quick people are to show off their hate.

Even my child hating ass can’t help but go ‘D’awwwwwww’

I would not be surprised if Renner is a closet conservative. He has the douchy energy of one.

Yeah, the Republican party is cancerous from the base to the top. They have horridly regressive policies and actively fight against anything that might actually better the lives of minorities or just... people who aren’t rich WASPs.

He’s good looking and that is IT. I can’t handle hyper Christian conservative men. They’re horrid.

Never in my long life have I had Tab. But now I kind of want to try it????

He’s got his money so I don’t think he much cares about the poors of any color anymore.

I think the average American doesn’t realize but these radical anti-choice people DO want to go after birth control after they’ve killed off abortion. They don’t like women having control over their reproduction (that isn’t the rhythm method), they don’t like women working, they don’t like birth control at all.