
Joking is actually how people feel out social norms, and test the water. Racist people tell low tier racist jokes to see how their friends react and when they get positive reactions they just keep ramping it up. They’re basically looking for people who either actively agree with them, or at the very least tolerate

My father is not an idiot. He’s well read, enjoys research and all that. But he’s a Fox News watching Republican. The other day I mentioned it’s terrible how the USPS is being treated and he said ‘Aren’t they just a money pit?’ and i shot back ‘Do you consider the military a money pit?!’ (he’s retired from the Air

A good way to deal with this is giving your cat an alternative spot to lay. They like to hang out with their people, so giving them lots of spots is important. Varied levels is good too, low on the ground and high up. At my desk I have two spots specifically for cats, one an old camping chair that’s barely being held

I question if you’re using the western standard reaction of sexual assault (which is abysmal) with how the criminal justice system works in Japan. Japan has a whopping 94% conviction rate. If you are accused of a crime, the chances of going free are astronomically low.

The funny thing is its increasingly not working on people who aren’t already fully onboard with their narrative. Younger generations are looking at the behavior of the two parties and starting to notice that there is absolutely NOTHING radical about the democrats. Yes, even AOC doesn’t count as radical (well, maybe to

She will eat him alive.

Only GIRLS are supposed to be celibate! That... seems to be the ‘logic’.

I can’t believe that isn’t a sticking point to more commentators. The girl was betrayed by the police. The guy needs to be fucking fired.


People like him are why I understand Christians and the desire for hell and heaven. Because life is unfair, bad people keep being bad with often little to no blow-back in their lives while plenty of good people toil away and suffer endlessly for no other reason than what amounts to a DM rolling some dice behind his

He’s a textbook Dunning–Kruger effect. Like, when looking it up a picture of him should be right there.

People who are mentally ill can also be assholes independent of their mental illness, add to that that mental illness doesn’t excuse bad behavior. Kanye West is BOTH mentally ill and an egomaniac asshole. Even with meds he’ll stay a narcissistic dick hole lol

It’s fairly well known that he suffers from bi-polar disorder and has been off his meds for years. I still recall the concert he did where he did a rambling rap/spoke word speech where he mentioned no longer taking his medicine.

I thought cancel culture was a bad thing?

Christ, having flashbacks to my teen years when I skipped breakfast and lunch and barely ate anything for dinner. I still saw myself as disgustingly fat, rode my bike and walked everywhere.

It’s a REALLY good movie but VERY claustrophobic.

Never once in my entire fucking life of nearly 40 years has it even entered into my head to harass a neighbor about what they’re doing to and on their property as long as no people or animals are being harmed.

i guess he loved his medical debt so much he wants everyone to have the same opportunity for it as well. How... generous.

“It probably feels good to say, ‘I want to let everyone have the same standard of living,’ but I want to vote for not just what feels good, but what does good.”

It’s always the fault of THE OTHERS. Never the inside group. Always the outgroup.