
I would seriously invest in a theme park level attraction where people are seated in elevated virtual cockpits capable of vibrating and moving in all direction, then faced each other in 10 minutes 4v4 Giant Mecha DeathMatches

Wow, these are really good.

Scott better be doing the voice of Phone Guy.

I’m getting some mad Rock-a-Doodle vibes from here.

This is really amazing. The link has a bunch more Bluth-esque illustrations. I love it.

Now playing

Please Hollywood, don’t destroy what makes it interesting like you tend to do with other video game based films.

From the book Brand Washed which I feel is relevant towards this article. Which is also a very good book if you want to know some of the marketing tricks that companies use.

Can't let you take that pic-a-nic basket, Star Fox!

That's a big gun. I feel like I'm missing a word in there, though. Funky, flattering, flatulent...hmm...

Kotaku, a place where for some reason folks still assume we only post news.

"This applies to painters/illustrators, musicians, film makers, and should apply to game developers too."

I'm also reminded of the whole hullabaloo around Sonic the Hedgehog 3's soundtrack and the supposed involvement of Michael Jackson in its composition. You could tell it was his style of music just by listening to several of the tracks.

Didn't Keiji Inafune also run into this same problem with his pitch for Mighty No. 9? People said the gameplay and level designs looked like a "Mega Man copycat," but he returned with, no, that's just how I make games.

What makes the hypocrisy of the whole thing even sweeter is that Atari pulled this exact BS with Minter in the past, hiring a different programmer to alter the code of Tempest 2000 for the PS1 port just enough to where they could legally call it a different game and avoid paying Minter royalties.

Atari is like the Voldemort of the game industry, latching onto the backs of the heads of anyone who happens to speak its name, in order to wreak havoc on those who were once its allies.

My response to this whole debacle is the startling realization that Atari is still a thing in 2015.

One of the actual developers stated that it was because Link was gaining all the memories of the person the mask represented.

They're eating her ... and then they're going to eat me ... OH MY GAAAAAAAAAWWWWDDDDD!!!!!!