
Battletoads or Blast Corps. Either or. Maybe a Banjo game if they can wrestle the rights out of Microsoft. Three B's.

Wario % Waluigi: Partners in CrimeA game that finally puts Waluigi out of the sport games and into the spotlight. Make it like a Wario Land game with a 2-player system akin to Super Mario 3D Land.

Make digital downloads of gamecube games like Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and have the gc controller port adapter work for those games. Also you could make super smash dlc characters I want snake for wiiu ^^. I would get a wiiu sooo fast instead of wait for smash to drop!

A new golden sun game or maybe even a for the frog the bell tolls sequel in HD with really nice cell shading

Pokemon action RPG for Wii U.

All these people suggesting games that they know are already in development. Games are coming... just update the O.S. already to include a proper system level communication system. I should be able to go to my Friends List & click on them to send them a private message, or voicechat... or even INVITE THEM TO THE GAME

I'd love to see Nintendo get the Wii U into the fighting game scene. Smash Bros is going to be excellent, but I really want Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter, BlazBlue, King of Fighters, etc on the Wii U. Tatsunoko vs Capcom was great on the Wii, and mostly overlooked because there were few other fighting games on the

I know Denis Dyack has taken a lot of shit for how he handled Silicon Knights, but I'd still like to play the new Eternal Darkness game that failed to get funded on Kickstarter, Shadow of the Eternals. Maybe if Nintendo could acquire Precursor Games and take charge with the development but give Dyack a smaller and

A proper Castlevania 2d... SOTN... Please find a dev team of true fans to-do it right... Please!

I would buy a Wii U if...

Mr. Miyamoto, I know that this was a game published and produced by RARE, but if this game had a sequel made, or even a HD Remake released, I would sell a kidney to pay for it!

New Metroid! New F-Zero! New Earthbound (Mother)! (morezeldaplzbutthat'sjhustme) A Super Mario in the vein of Super Mario 64. A "Mario Kart" game using all Nintendo characters!

I think a pokemon MMORPG for Wii U would sell systems, as well as a new Metroid Prime. But personally (and i know this isn't going to happen), I remember a Capcom game for the Wii called Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure. I would love to see a Zack and Wiki 2, as the original was one of the best puzzle games

I would just be glad to see Nintendo more committed to releasing games in various regions. If you're going to lock your system up, it's the least you can do. Love how NA missed out on Another Code: R (the first game, Trace Memory here in NA, is one of my favorite games, period), Disaster: Day of Crisis, Fatal Frame II

You know, I'm just going to say my most off-the-wall pipe-dream. Now that camelot is off of mario golf, out them on the next Golden Sun game. When the next one comes Im sure it will be on the 3DS, but I'd love to see them have a go at a console RPG title.

I for one would like to see more games take advantage of the NFC technology on the tablet controller. The amiibos are a good start but something that would incorporate the use of Figures and something that would also incorporate the Camera on the tablet too. I haven't seen much life out of it, but it's there and

Work with Atlus (okay, Sega currently) or another developer (Ubisoft and Might & Magic X, or the next Legend of Grimrock Game from Almost Human Games), to put out a dungeon crawl or exploration game like Etrian Odyssey out on the WiiU, with the map-making, inventory & quest management, and leveling up being done

Devil World, the only Miyamoto game that was never released here:

From 3rd parties:

Get back to SquareEnix and tell them to either remake TERRANIGMA or make a sequel of it. In my book, that game was the best. The music, the visuals, the story the gameplay, everything was in place. I've played most of the games of the same genre, but none came close to what Terranigma had to offer.