Meanwhile over in another Nintendo fandom...
Meanwhile over in another Nintendo fandom...
Dude that came up with the silly fan comic went from having something like 700 followers to 37,500 followers in the span of a couple of days.
So is “Untitled Goose Game” going to be the official title? It might as well be since it’s just as generic as “Goat Simulator”, but different enough to set it apart.
Correct. You have the board.
What if the character reveal trailers that we’ve seen so far have actually been referencing the story mode this whole time? What if it wasn’t the crew of Nintendo that came to visit the Inklings?
I am almost positive that Disney wants to make a DAU (Disney Afternoon Universe) just like how there’s the MCU. This allows all their classic properties to exist and, more importantly, CROSS OVER between each other. You mention and allude to them in DuckTales, then see these characters a lot more once they get their…
I’m with LightJak. They’re straight from the commercial which aired even before this episode. If you wanna be mad at someone, be mad at whoever thought it was a good idea to spoil the reveal through a commercial.
If your game was featured in the NES Classic Mini or SNES Classic Mini, it seems your odds of getting into Smash improves.
You have my attention. Tell me more!
Dad ‘76s Dad-liness stretches even into the merchandise! Wow!
It is. You have to unlock it through the Gacha machine.
In fairness, the first 1:1 scale mecha ANYTHING was the first Gundam statue. Plus, I believe the Gundam at 1:1 scale is larger than the Border Break mecha, so making it entirely out of plastic and have it still stand may have been a bit too much for engineering.
So who plays the Dungeon Master in “Live” RPGs?
I expect that number to shoot up around Smash launch. I bet Nintendo is planning for a holiday season boost in sales with Smash and other new fall/winter launches.
Hang on a sec... is he holding a GOLF CLUB in that upper left picture?
Ooh, tell him about the “D” Club.
The big thing is this game is so hard, that Arin tries to enter a zen state of mind by making up random stories about completely ridiculous stuff in order to try and get in “the zone” to beat this boss, and fails EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! This results in constant swearing and cursing and one of the funniest god damn…
HA HA HA HA! That was your shortest, saddest story yet!
They tried, but every time they made it rain, the cardboard got soggy so they could only ever use it once and then that was it. It also made turning the weather machine off a major pain since then they had to build a new one all over again.