This requires some appropriate background music to give a sense of how serious them being kicked out it...
This requires some appropriate background music to give a sense of how serious them being kicked out it...
I like to think that the 200cc class being introduced is sort of Nintendo testing the waters to see how much players enjoy going ABNORMALLY FAST!
I looked through all the comments, including those that were pending, and NOBODY has thought of posting this yet?
This needs some proper ambient music to go with it...
All I ask is that LEGO, if you’re going to do this...
Here’s hoping!
I think the mocking and poking fun of politicians is usually something reserved for Seinen and up type anime and manga. It’s a joke that mostly aims at an older demographic instead of the standard Shonen Jump audience of young boys. And given we’re talking kids, teens, and young adults, they might not be up on their…
What's amazing is how Cosplay for Five Nights at Freddy's can go from "just wearing makeup like you would on Halloween" to... this guy...
Was trying to find the perfect reaction gif to properly express my awe and amazement upon seeing this mechanical marvel that tech and military geeks are going to swoon over.
I thought Don Bluth made one years ago, didn’t he?
The shortage pretty much IS limited to the USA and Canada. European countries, Japan, and any other non-North American countries don’t seem to have the same issues at all. From what I’ve gathered, they’re all looking at us and going, “Are you okay? What’s going on? How is this a problem? What?”
There’s one key thing here that I think is worth noting:
I’ve been doing some additional research to try and figure out what’s been going on after finally cooling down from yesterday’s Amiibo frustration. After a little bit of research, I’ve come to a conclusion as to where our Amiibo woes actually lie. From what I can tell, the root is still the strike that hit the West…
To be honest, I can’t think of any like that in recent memory. Is there one that you have in mind?
I was lucky. More or less. I was probably 4th, maybe 5th person in line at my local Gamestop. I arrived a little before 3:00 PM EDT. This pic was taken, I want to say around shortly after 3, soon after we discovered the systems went BOOM.
IT’S ABOUT TIME! I’ve got almost all the N64 games that came out on the Wii and have been waiting for a chance to buy the Wii U versions on discount so I can play them on my GamePad.
You ever wonder if sometimes they are doing this intentionally bad in order to try and somehow re-create the so bad it's good awfulness of this:
Amazingly enough, it's being spear headed by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT). He wrote about it and had it published in Wired!
He was kicked out of the IGDA, believe it or not. Granted he resigned, but that's because they were just about to vote to oust him because of his horrible tactics.