
Take it easy there! I've noticed you have a tendency to get pretty heated and up in arms. I noticed in the past year, a good portion of your comments have been insults or come off as full of anger. We can talk about this without getting all angry and frustrated right?

Bayonetta... Single Mom... where'd she say that now?

Hold it right there!

*Sigh* Okay, might as well break some things down here...

Yo! Good choice for reaction GIF. Mine would be this:

Well I know at least one person is going to be very excited by this announcement.

There's nothing more humbling than when the power to make a difference is taken AWAY from you, the player, in a situation.

Almost 3 years ago, before Harris O'Malley became a weekly contributor here at Kotaku, he shared something of his that, for me, marks one of the earlier signs that something was very very wrong in the culture of video game players.

You would think that receiving bomb and death threats from someone would be an exemption to a law where normally you're allowed to carry concealed weapons.

Maybe with Naruto ending, and subsequently the anime, maybe his time slot can be used to revive the Gintama anime. The manga has been going continuously even though the anime stopped back in 2013, so if the animators get off their butts and get to it, they can have new Gintama ready to fill the time slot.

Now playing

Alright buddy. Pull over. This is the Culture Police.

I have not experienced this myself, but you certainly have my attention. I am curious to know how you know this. Personal experience perhaps? And if so, do tell! :)

That's one of the things I love about Nintendo - they are built extremely sturdy.

I do my homework. :)

They actually answered this on their Kickstarter page:

While the lead designer of Stubbs the Zombie, Alex Seropian, is working on a different project (Midnight Star), one of the creative leads for Ray's The Dead is Chris Cobb who has worked at Ion Storm on Thief: Deadly Shadows and joined Wideload Games, the developer that made Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without a Pulse. He

"Almost None"?!?! What are you talking about?! There are at least 96 games on Steam ALONE that owe their existence to Kickstarter. (And I'm not counting games that are Greenlight either, I mean the actual Steam Store itself) And of those 96, only a handful aren't released yet, but have solid release dates

Not only is it nightmare fuel, there's a medical definition for said nightmare fuel!