Going by the comments (which I've been upvoting a lot), this pretty much IS. It's from the same devs.
Going by the comments (which I've been upvoting a lot), this pretty much IS. It's from the same devs.
Ohhhhhh... I can NOT WAIT for Rooster Teeth to get their hands on this for a Rage Quit video!
USA citizen here and I can assure you, YES. YES I DO know what it is. It's Heidi: Girl of the Alps.
You know... I never thought about it that way, but... You're right!
What the fight with Tyson essentially is:
But I wonder: "Why not?!"
Which is why I made note that I may be looking in the wrong places. My exposure and experiences have primarily been on the internet which, one may assume, is where the more "nerdy" people might spend their time. Perhaps if I were to look elsewhere, in other hangouts where women tend to congregate, I'll get different…
Some days I wonder if David Willis questions whether this one comic of his is more popular than his actual comics (as in everything else)?
That's a very a good point and actually, you were able to put into words what I was having trouble with when I made this post last night. In my examples, we have the socially inept Sherlock, the alcoholic Tony Stark, the "Nothing without his companions" Doctor, etc.
Did you just pull an Onion on everyone?
I think it's more a matter of maturity if you ask me.
When I first saw the Header image here, I just thought of the first few seconds of this:
That's not to say they won't leave the occasional pellet here and there just because bunnies sorta work that way. However, if they have to pee, or really gotta go, they'll hop over to a designated litter box if one's set up for them. It may take some training, but a bunny will grow into it eventually.
Bunnies CAN be trained to do that. They can be litter box trained if given one. This may not stop the stray pellet here or there, but they won't pee anywhere else and will primarily poop in the box instead of everywhere
Sort of the onlooker at the curb stomping. This was made shortly after Sony's E3 Press Conference where they seriously CRUSHED Microsoft as far as PR moves go.
Chiptunes that fit for scenarios in Hockey, Let's see...
Chiptunes that fit for scenarios in Hockey, Let's see...