
THANK YOU! I was going to lose my faith in the people here if nobody made a Terminator reference!

The ad revenue from Twitch does help explain the income, but do people really spend that much time watching videos on Twitch so that one person could generate upwards of $1 million a year?!

It's Free To Play?!

I'm going to be perfectly honest here. I've been playing video games since the NES/Tail end of Atari days. I read my game magazines and now read my game websites and like to consider myself pretty up to date as to what's going on in the world of video games.

It's the same problem with politics and business: instead of thinking of "long-term" solutions and goals, most companies seem happy just releasing something that can exist only in the here and now and then immediately move on to something for the next "here and now" without thinking about their past work surviving.

You're kind of right in that analogy. It has the same addicting qualities and aspects of Facebook games, but doesn't have a pay for play model of any sort.

You know what I learned the other day?

Yeah, I think it sounds good on my end, so not sure why it sounds weird for you. It definitely sounds right to me as far as the original "Vampire Killer" goes.

Digital Distribution has its perks in that it helps smaller developers get their games out in ways that would be nearly impossible otherwise.

Oh now that is NOT cool! If people want to have save data on a cloud server, then fine, but I myself would feel more comfortable if save data is saved either on an internal hard drive or SD card of some sort. Even on smartphone games, the save data is mostly saved to the internal memory of the phone along with the

Now playing

I hope I'm the only one looking at that logo and thinking Patrick Macnee from The Avengers (No, not Marvel's Avengers, this one's British)

Now playing

I'm hoping for a few more Castlevania tunes from him to gear up before Halloween. Halloween and Castlevania just always seem to go hand in hand for me. :)

What bothers me most about the Online Pass thing is that it makes me question what will happen in the future when people want to go back and play these games that used online passes?

A great way to get into playing this latest iteration of Animal Crossing is to know someone who's already played it. They don't have to live near you, just be someone you're 3DS friends with. Once you connect with them, they will be able to assist you with getting set up in your town and get you just about anything

Same here. I gotta fill up my encyclopedias and the museum. Not to mention flesh out the art gallery. I'm very close but still have work to do.

That's pretty much how Doctor Puppet got his start:


Seriously?! With all the trade events you guys go to, you should all be oozing pink puzzle pieces out the wazoo!

Seriously?! With all the trade events you guys go to, you should all be oozing pink puzzle pieces out the wazoo!