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Oh yeah, a Dig-Dug skin is totally worth it. I mean he and Mappy are best buds!

Even so, the point I was making is that the power of the women on this series is something rarely seen in Shonen or even Seinen for that matter.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see. And interestingly enough, it looks like they worked on a Spider-Man game too at one point. Makes me wonder if that's one that ever made it out of Japan?

Yeah I think so too. I was going based on how it was listed in the Wiki pages. Someone may need to fix that.

Beat me to the punch! At least I'm glad someone else thought of this joke!

I disagree about it being over-rated. I think it deserves quite a bit of praise for the fluid animation, for the intriguing and unique plot, and the treatment of the characters in the story.

Let's take a look at some of the games previously developed by Spike Chunsoft, as well as the games made by Spike and Chunsoft before they merged into one developer.

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This is what that screenshot reminds me of:

You dummy!
That's not "The Citizen Kane of Video Games"!
That's "The Video Game of Citizen Kane"!

I am curious about this meta game and wish to learn more. Are there any documented rules or guidelines for it?


Tonight on "Battlebots: GIANTS"


The key thing to remember is that while Feminism is most definitely a thing, there's no set "Definition" of what Feminism is. There's no written guide book or charter that details what does or does not constitute as Feminism. What then happens is a confusion that surrounds what being a "Feminist" and "Feminism"

Considering that women have been involved in game development since practically the conception of video games, it's very surprising how much crap they have to put up with to this day. I'm very glad this was shared with all of us to give us an insight into some of the challenges, obstacles, and problems that women

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Linked Horizon knocked the ball so far out of the park that it went straight into orbit with Guren No Yumiya. While others may lament the change to a new Opening Theme, I think that what will likely happen is "Guren No Yumiya" will be to Attack on Titan like "We Are" is to One Piece. Other themes may come and go,

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What I think the underlying problem isn't so much that the issue was fabricated, but that an issue was made through what could be considered a "misinterpretation".

Yeah, especially with hot button issues such as gender representation, among others.

Wait, I must have missed this... I haven't play a GoW game since the first one, but I do remember how female COGs were playable in the 3rd game.

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First, read the bingo card entries with this playing in the background.