
I literally cannot believe I’m skimming a “human cost” article about the end of a sport built on animal cruelty. Humans can get new jobs. You can’t un-torture a dog.

Ugh. Bleach is absolutely TERRIBLE as Snake Oil. Not just as in “oh, what terrible things happen when you drink bleach.” No, I mean it’s also one of the absolute worst choices if you want to actually sell people placebo medicines.

Ah, so you enjoy fornicating with canteloupe 20 times a day, do you?

Only if you do so in specific cases. It’s pre-judging to say THIS guy or lady I’m interviewing strikes me as the sort to be a problem later, vs. knowing that I’ve interviewed 6 recovering addicts this week and if I hire some of them, I’m likely to have a problem at some point, if and when one or more of them relapses.

I’m just going to say that’s an awful lot of benefit of the doubt... I mean miles upon miles of assumption of goodwill, slack, and generosity of spirit, for someone who drove a motor vehicle into another person. Our justice system was built to spare innocent people at the cost of also failing to prosecute some of the

Someone remind them it’s because long hours, abusive and toxic work environments, low pay and shitty benefits make it hard to sell pretty much any job these days, even to people who need the money.

Addicts who relapse tend to do 2 things you can’t stand a lot of in retail fast food: stealing and not showing up for work. It’s awful to pre-judge anyone, but if you get one recovering addict after another across the back-room card table from you when you’re hiring... I don’t know what you’re supposed to do. Hiring

You are out of your mind if you think the fact that heat is an environmental condition indemnifies against workers comp claims. It’s the employer’s responsibility to provide a safe work environment to the best possible standard (i.e., you can only make underwater welding so safe, but you are legally required to do

Boy did you miss the point. Perhaps I shouldn’t have used the word “aggressor”. The point is that when a male raised and assimilated into our type of patriarchy wants sex, initiates sex, and gets a woman to assent or at least submit, that’s what they’re programmed to be turned on by. Media, art, literature, reinforces

In a civilized country, that would count as torture. No wonder my carriers look and sound like they’re about to fall over and die... no matter which one I see.

All that saved money isn’t going to do them any good settling the Worker’s Comp and personal injury suits, never mind wrongful death ones, when their carriers start dropping like flies in heatwave after heatwave.

Note that the more in charge she got, the less interested he was.  He may still be mystified by his sudden lack of interest... but it’s pretty obvious from his description.  She didn’t allow him to take the role of the aggressor, so suddenly it wasn’t sexy anymore.

This includes instructions on messaging through the handheld carrier scanners, frequent service talks on recognizing heat illnesses and taking shade or hydration, and street supervision that checks on carriers during the day.”

Enjoy bankruptcy when your across-the-street competitors decline to do this, and everyone who doesn’t want to be in a hurry, laptop or no, goes there.


Can’t iron clothes. I own one, and a board. They’re both basically brand-new. It’s not that I don’t understand... it’s just like there’s some knack to NOT somehow making the clothes even more wrinkly or completely failing to remove the wrinkles that are there, that I don’t get.

The only place and time I do this is with frozen french fries and the like. You end up using a giant gallon-size bag (not cheap) ‘cause the cheaper, plainer, healthier types come in huge, non-resealable packaging.

My parents’ combined incomes topped out at $28,000 in the best fiscal year of their lives.

It takes more teacher supervision than most districts are willing to pay for - and most PE teachers are willing or able to provide - to run a game of dodgeball with kids without it turning into a sanctioned Pogrom against all kids who are too different - too skinny, too fat, too shy, too weird, too non-white, too

I get what you’re saying, but in this case it’s about who pays for the tow.  There’s at least the chance you can get the thing towed off by the city / town / county / whatever jurisdiction if the cops determine some law besides Trespassing has been broken.  That’s the only reason I’d consider involving the cops,