
Such staggering ignorance. Why is it important that so many people voted for you, if you’re unwilling to heed how many people want you to vote a certain way? Why are head counts important one moment and not the next, if you’re a representative of the people?

“Capitalism Creates”. Sure. And without Socialism to properly enforce distribution of the profits so created, the people who actually do the labor of that creation never get anything but crumbs.

It’s quite simple. The Democratic Party reformed and split right around (and because of) the start of the Civil Rights era. The hard-core rich-robber-baron-loving capitalist, neoconservative, racist, patriarchal Old Boy’s Club that drove a good half of the Democratic platform up until then - which was as real as

Just like ketchup on hot dogs, any given person or group of people are allowed to find this particular food pairing or topping disgusting and say so. It’s a free country.

True or not, deserved or not, I feel complled (dirty as it makes me for even superficially seeming to defend such a monster even tangentially) to point out that this really is kind of a “So when did you stop beating your wife?” kind of question.  Well, maybe more like “Would you still beat your wife if she didn’t talk

I’d go so far as to say it’s possible to become a prosecutor and be, if not even pro-black, but at least actively opposed to racial injustice. I would not think that in America in 2019 that it is possible to stay both opposed to racist injustice AND remain a prosecutor.  One or the other will be stripped from you.

Sorry, guys. I liked the photo of plain-old Will Smith in “genie getup” better than this. This had too many shades of Scorpion King level terrible CG the way he was moving so unnaturally.

The thing is: the reason that you feel this way is not any innate moral compass or personal integirty. It’s centuries of brainwashing by the power elite, capitalistis, etc. The Protestant Work Ethic is a scam that powered the Industrial Revolution without sharing any wealth with workers. There’s no innate reason to

I don’t care how much fast food he eats, he’s likely eaten fewer preservatives, less salt, and less processed food in his life than most of us, purely by virtue of being wealthy. With our luck, he really will live to be 200.

The insoluble dilemma I always faced in getting one of these is that any decent, affordable, standard projector would eventually require a $200 replacement bulb. The ones that wouldn’t (LED projectors like this one), just never get bright enough to use in full, natural sunlight even with the curtains drawn.

The insoluble dilemma I always faced in getting one of these is that any decent, affordable, standard projector

Maduro is a dictator who identifies as left-wing (“communist” or “socialist”). So it’s perfectly OK in their eyes to engage in any sort of depravity and destruction to get him out and put in a nice, cooperative (i.e. bought), right-wing dictator to replace him.

Actually, this is technically not true as far as I can glean from the facts as presented in the article. It’s a little like whining about 1st Amendment protection when you’re fired for political speech in the break room. The 1st Amendment only applies to actions taken by federal, state, or local government, not

Don’t worry.  Cries of “OMG they want to force you to have an abortion!” and “Welfare Queens” and “Hordes of Muslim rapists & bombers at the border!” will bring them back in line.  They hope.  Unfortunately I can’t be too confident that won’t continue to work fairly well.

It won’t make you sick as long as the can is undamaged. But there’s no guarantee that it won’t consist of flavorless, undifferentiated pink-beige mush, either.

This seems to be the key here. A fully grown adult would not have been nearly as “easy” (relatively speaking, of course) for a human to overpower. Not to diminish this extraordinary feat by any means. That’s the most badass thing I’ve heard of since the guy whos

Narcan isn’t a recreational drug or narcotic. It’s something akin to an opiate “antidote”, in that its presence in the body immediately and dramatically reduces the effect of any ongoing opiate dose, be it heroin, morphine, codeine, fentanyl, oxycontin, whatever. It’s an “OMG they’re overdosing right now” kind of

That’s called a “Straw Man” and it’s bullshit, like everything else you’ve spouted here.  I hope you get banned.  No, I take that back.  You won’t learn anything if you do, so I hope you don’t.

This should be a hint to you that it isn’t lamb.  Or it’s a grade of meat that isn’t suitable to stock or which butchers & markets refuse to stock.  Or maybe it’s that they at least place regular orders, where as lamb in, say, a supermarket meat counter likely sits around and goes unsold.

Poor neighborhoods (“slums”, “ghettoes”) always look like that, you racist asshole.  America has simply arranged it so that they’re predominantly occupied by non-white faces, is all.  The consequences of poor education and desperate poverty look pretty much the same now as they did 200 years ago and in all other

Now playing

Not being an avid SpongeBob watcher (or enough of a Van Halen fan, apparently), I thought they were referring to the Rocky soundtrack, for some reason.