
Says the guy who clearly failed to read my entire post, wherein I mention visitors, tourists, and others at least 3 times.

Because it’s rare.  Spanish is really the only thing you’ll hear on random streetcorners across much, if not all of America, other than English.  It dovetails much better with the scapegoating propaganda that legions of poor non-white people are swarming our borders to come here, bankrupt us via welfare,and then kill

It only makes sense that if you think assaulting, shooting, running over, and lynching people for their race, nationality, or political leanings is OK, that you should be afraid those people will use violence against you to defend themselves.  But it takes the American Right Wing to get the cops to look the other way

Visiting relatives. Welp, there couldn’t be a more clear-cut example of “don’t judge because you don’t know everything”, I guess.

Wait,they have a “mob” narrative now?  Jesus Christ, what else can they do to undermine Democracy?  When it’s people voting (or trying to vote), it’s not a mob it’s a Majority, dumbass.  You’re supposed to be a politician.  If anyone should know this... you know what, I’m wasting my breath.  They obviously know this. 

As if peace in the middle east has ever been the goal, from Day 1, in the summer of 1945.  Wringing money out of the oil trade is what’s the goal, and he should be good at that.  There’s just gonna be a lot more death and collateral damage is all.

How is this not monopolistic behavior?  Shouldn’t there be an antitrust lawsuit to make the publisher prove that it’s their decision, with absolutely no input or kickbacks from the big chains that are benefiting from this?

And when commuting costs about the difference in rent / mortgage between one end of it and the other? Don’t forget to factor in the hours of the week you spend driving or sitting on a train, paid at your current hourly rate.

There’s a reason people don’t understand or know the above. And that reason is that 99% of the examples they see in the real world (at least, in the U.S.), are completely wrong as far as the above goes.

Has Pizza Hut redefined a Medium pizza as 5" across yet?  I wouldn’t be surprised.  That should be 10 wings, not 8, and 5 sodas, not 4, you greedy fucks.

I was opening new videos while reading this post, though.  At least, I was for a few minutes.  They can’t cache EVERYTHING...

Try working in a grocery store in a sketchy / poor neighborhood. People (of indeterminate color - human waste is the same regardless of the skin color of who produced it) would routinely rip open diaper packages, change their infants and leave the full diapers on the floor or shelves of the diaper aisle. It was a rare

Probably has as much to do with female clientele as it does with how much products in those sections are chronically overpriced, at least...

Byline says 13 minutes ago... paused videos in another tab play fine, new tabs load the site and play videos fine...

If only we haven’t had so many years of people consistently a.) having a reaction to the shot itself, and then b.) getting a long-lasting, bad case of flu afterward, anyway. That’s all I hear from everyone in my circle, especially older folks. All the terrible reliability has done is make people think it’s a waste of

It’s reprehensible, foolish and perhaps juvenile, but why is it illegal?  Even campaign staffers are private citizens and can donate whatever they want, AFAIK.  Is it the false pretenses?  You can’t make a donation in the name of someone else without their consent, or in the name of an organization that doesn’t

I don’t see how a judge isn’t instantly impeached and disbarred for directly instructing a jury, on the record, to follow instructions directly counter to “innocent until proven guilty”.  There should be national protests, ACLU lawsuits, all that jazz.

Some people believe that Clinton’s indiscretions went, essentially unpunished.  That’s arguable.  But thinking that “your side” deserves to get away with malffeasance, misbehavior, or even just poor manners because “the other guy ‘got away with it’, especially when that’s even debatable, is just juvenile and foolish

Not bad, but I think this is more of a Xanatos Gambit type situation. It doesn’t matter what you choose, they win.