
Come on now. Do you think that a die-hard leftist / commie liberal shot Kennedy? Either of them? MLK? Malcolm X? How many Conservative presidents since WWII have been assassinated? Only the attempt on Reagan, and that guy was just plain psychotic and could have shot literally anyone.

Just as an off-the-cuff suggestion, how about not cheating, stealing from, and defrauding their customers to protect their inflated margins, and maybe, I dunno, compete with their so-called competitor?

Or they get to play the “oppressed victim being persecuted and unfairly targeted for their political opinions”...

I’m aware of that. What they want is to legitimize that behavior. The bully always wants you to stoop to their level, and it solves nothing. This is what concerns me.

What scares me is it’s a slippery slope. Yes, on the one hand I can’t stand people not being called out for their inhuman corruption and abuses of power. On the other hand, this level of discourse feels to me exactly what the so-called “deplorables” on the far Right want: license to simply attack anyone who disagrees

Hear hear, but let’s not forget that the difference between a classic French omelette and plain-old scrambled eggs (of the soft, European variety), is a lot like the difference between a cheeseburger and a patty melt:  fairly subtle.  You can very easily make omelette-like scrambles and scramble-like omelettes without

The moment someone cites something besides Serious Eats as a source, I might start believing someone other than this lone chef in all the world believes in pre-salting his eggs.  I just don’t see it anywhere else.  I’ll admit that being the “only sane man” doesn’t automatically make him wrong, but he IS alone, which

The people who invented the omelette are bad about scrambled eggs...  I suppose you’re not a fan of Italian pizza or German sausage, then, either.

Well now you just made me feel guilty about my crock pot. Dirty pool, that. Of course, living alone, I eschew the proper oven as much as possible in favor of a toaster oven, which I believe is a lot more efficient. I do that mainly because who has 30 minutes to wait for an oven to come to temp, but still...

I couldn’t find a single example of what you’re talking about, including the fellow you mention, of whom I’ve never heard.  He appears to be the only culinary professional I’ve EVER heard advocate for pre-salting, at least in the last 20 years or so.  Go back far enough and, yeah, it’s common.  It’s how I was taught

There is literally no accounting for taste, so I can’t argue about whether olive oil goes with eggs or not; I’m simply saying it’s not popular or really, heard of at all, IRL, cookbooks and cooking shows, even culinary school as far as I know a couple people who’ve graduated.  There’s usually a reason for that.  So,

In today’s world, chances are you haven’t eaten anything fresher than two weeks old, and possibly longer than that.

Almost $4 for a dozen eggs? They better be the kind that came out of the Golden Goose. I eat cereal when they climb over $1.25, and I grumble when they break $1.

Well your budget is a lot tighter after that $200 sous vide cooker...

A better salmon spread is even simpler still:

Wow. I’m not sure how that could possibly have been weirder or worse, without him actually burning the eggs.

Drunk of one variety or another, or straight arrow, I’d be very surprised if anyone who’s held that office since its inception didn’t know how to appreciate a stiff one. And if they didn’t going in, I’m sure they did by the time their term was over.

The only way this tactic doesn’t result in multiple ICE agents or DHS officials being maimed by enraged parents clawing their eyes out with their fingernails is if they know to wear the goggles (or bring armed guards) ahead of time when they deliver this response straight out of the 3rd Reich.

And year after year, more than half the states in the Union are still gerrymandered to the point that it doesn’t matter how many people of like mind to that post vote, the GOP will still have majority control, the Governorship, and majority in Congress. If they are ever in danger of losing it, they just change the

On the one hand, I actually kind of agree with the guy. Elastigirl’s outfit was somehow more sexualized than in the first movie - in which, I remind you, she takes time to admire her behind in a mirror, in full view of the audience. Maybe it was the texture or the color palette. I feel like she was a lot more