
That’s not true - a vaccinated person brushed against my arm the other day and my vagina started GUSHING blood.  And I’m a man! 

While I’m normally all about the gendered biases in medicine, this articles seems a little excessive, given that we are learning, literally in real time, about both the coronavirus and Covid, and the vaccines. A year ago people were wiping down their mail or quarantining their packages. We only learned of efficacious

Me too! Suckers, all of them!
Anywho, I’m off to buy a new starship for Star Citizen.

I disagree slightly only in that it’s irrelevant to you (and completely irrelevant to his being murdered.) Sorry, I don’t mean that to sound snark.y.

It hits home for me because I spent nine months in jail for being a shitty human being. That was two years ago. I had to call the suicide hotline twice to make it here,

What, no love for the Gettleburger?!? 😁 This thing is OP!

That’s simple. Put one cup of water in a two cup container. Add one cup of water. Place lid on container. Shake for one minute. Now you have a 1:1 solution of water.

And we (the French ^^) bankrolled that revolution for the potential hundreds of years of popcorn moments.
All going according to plan !

Fun fact: I lived in the US for 2 years, routinely spoke my native french everywhere with friends that were here with me, stole one of y’all jobs for a while, and weirdly enough, nobody ever told me to speak english. People usually swooned and squee’d.

But sure, it’s not racist ^^

I’ve got almost 16 years in right now, and I have a really hard time coming up with reasons people should join today. “You might be sexually assaulted by your friends” and “you might have to deal with the VA” are both on the list of reasons why. But, primarily, don’t sign up to fight my generation’s war, kids.

I may be screaming into the void here but I need to let this out.

I really wish Dontnod had made more games that used Remember Me’s memory rewriting minigame where you have to mess around with multiple different elements to change what happened as opposed to the binary choices you usually have in the Life is Strange series.

In addition to feeling like a scumbag when I realized what happened... my 3 year old daughter screamed at me while I was vacuuming him. “NO NO NO HES A NICE GHOST WHAT ARE YOU DOING DADDY?!”

This may be the first black lead, but everyone knows Fro-zone and his Super Suit stole the show in the Incredibles. 

Let me tell you something about hew-mons, nephew. They’re a wonderful, friendly people as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working... but take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers... put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same,

Excellent comic.

Something about super deep character creators in games makes up for weak other stuff to me and I hate it

It’s not so much him I’m worried about but the senate and SCOTUS who will bend over backwards to invalidate the election results if they don’t go their way.

Came here to make this joke.

This was just a normal Shadowrun session.