I read that in George Takei's voice. I hope that's how you meant it.
I read that in George Takei's voice. I hope that's how you meant it.
Yes, yes and thank you.
I don't think that's "planetary definition BS", but I don't think you're wrong, either. We like to categorize things, but many of the things around us are part of gradations and are difficult to categorize. I certainly won't pretend to say this with any authority, but I think there are many more things (in nature…
Tiny bit of hyperbole here but Icewind Dale will forever stand in my mind as having one of the most fantastic soundtracks ever. Jeremy Soule makes music like no one else.
Majora's Mask is terrifying, haunting, beautiful and amazing.
I agree with #3 especially. The way they've been throwing about natural language processing I foolishly assumed part of the breakthrough here was in speech recognition. Granted, of course, there's a lot more to NLP, but without it the rest of the event seems a little more constructed than I'm comfortable with. My…
@BronzeSoldier: Excellent. Now I'm depressed. Thanks a lot.
@Platypus Man: Good arguments, I think. Gives me a very "the journey is the destination" vibe, which I like.
@CSX321: Ditto.
@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: Hear, hear.
@Wolfbullet: Also.
@Wolfbullet: I like your pepper sauce.
@ParryLost: I thought the same thing: it's a shame, no doubt about it, but the image still manages to beautiful in a guilt-inducing way.
@mfolwell: I think you've got a good handle on some of the complexity that a lot of people seem to miss with the whole "games = art" and "games + real world conflicts = art/acceptable" discussions. I never played Heavy Rain so I can't really evaluate the example you gave, but I like where your head's at (as though my…
Region-specific, but might I offer something like: [qandanj.org]
@Variatas: Yeah. I figured that out 2 secs after posting. I was thinking it was a placeholder next to a DSi cartridge to show size.
That's like a who's who of amazing scifi authors.
I have been meaning to read this for going on 5 years now.