
@ssh83: The concept art on the website includes images of each faction's headquarters. Judging by the Illuminati's, it looks like it'll satisfy. Unless that's really just a backlit toolshed, in which case: poo.

@AlKusanagi: I'm hearting you for that, because it was damn funny. I can just imagine the straight-faced, dry delivery.

@TikkiEXX: I hear you but I think the general point is there. Someone else said somewhere in the comments that "white people don't move like that either". I feel the example is less about the suggestion that movement should be "appropriate" (those are big air-quotes, there) for race and more about the suggestion

@KylenX: I don't care how powerful it is; if the flavour text isn't awesome it's not going into my deck.

@Psychtaygar: I don't think it's strictly necessary; although the game is definitely a sequel you don't need special knowledge of The Curious Village's plot to understand the completely-unrelated mystery in The Diabolical Box's story. In that regard the first game's story just fleshes out some details the characters

@doughboyx: I'm glad somebody said it. I've already got my receipt out.

@Psychtaygar: Sure we do. At least we used to. I have so many cloth maps my closet looks like the nerdiest miniature Arabian carpet shop in North America.

@ex_nihilo: Honestly, I hear you on this. Overcoming a challenge is always a worthwhile goal, even if it's only of value to you. I, myself, prefer an easier time on games that require timing, combos, or fast hand/eye work, but all the same I like my Layton-style puzzles as complex as they come. I guess it really

@ex_nihilo: Maybe so, but some of us who grew up slamming our faces into walls might like to mature without accruing any additional brain damage.

Well hell, why not?

A logo atop "some kind of crack"? Are we not talking about the same one as the article image, or do all the women you know have clavicles on their lower back?

@Bakamoichigei: Would that make it an N64 cake mod?

I'll watch this even if I can't get a fansub. I think 50% of Layton's charm is the visual style alone. I've never seen an Englishman I so thoroughly wanted to hug.

@Curse_Lily: I can stop bullets with my chest.

@fearing: I have essentially the same story: I played Donkey Kong on the Game Boy on and off for years and years, essentially waiting to grow up to finally be able to beat it. The other games are equally fantastic (and pretty damn tricky too).

@Kanji08: Assuming it works the same it'll be 12.99USD plus an additional 1.00USD per month for each additional character.

@Spiffyness: Apparently I just suck then because this game is damn near impossible for me. Don't get me wrong, I love it to bits (har har), but I breezed through the first 10 or so levels only to hit a brick wall so hard I'm still looking for my teeth.