"...but never got the adulation his fans bestow upon Firefly..."
"...but never got the adulation his fans bestow upon Firefly..."
I wonder, what percentage of sci-fi fans have a believe in an supernatural being (ie god/goddess etc.) as to those that don't.
What the hell is an aluminum falcon!?
My brain knows it's not real... but my mouth is like 'who the heck cares?'
I'm just gonna call this like I see it... Pure Awesome right here.
Yes white jesus! Preach to us poor black children about how we need to listen to the white man!
Finally another character I can cos-play without accusations of race appropriation.
Oh those crazy Nazis...
What the hell is that!? Gonna vomit now, thanks.
"Don't be so proud of the polluted furnace you've constructed,
In Russia... Rocket blows up you!
This is my canon... there are many like it... but this one is mine.
Let the Right One In, or Latte da rat den komma en, is a haunting film about a youth, innocence, coming of age, and the complex yet simple desire for friendship. It is atmospheric brilliance, brought forth by a director with an amazing eye for visuals and tiny details, an awesome original story that surpasses the…
Can't underscore the awesomeness of this...
I have to be honest and say that I do feel that Zimmerman maybe guilty. That said I think it's highly possible that he and Trayvon got into a violent confrontation that turned deadly. This country however works by rule of law (or should) and if there is not enough evidence to prove the guilt of Mr Zimmerman, then he…
I'd argue that this case sits on the fault lines of the racial divide in Florida, and really is important to anyone that is the parent of a black teenager. Is it ok for someone to confront you when you're alone, get into a fight with you, and then shoot and kill you, and then walk away scott-free with out so much as a…
This... wins the internet for today.
I smell sequel!
And... que collective yawn. Anyone who cares to do a little research knows the US has been doing all this stuff for over a decade now. I don't think Snowden is a hero, nor is he a traitor. He did however go about this in the strangest most self-serving way possible which might have been needed considering the forces…
See you made this happen Roland! ... You made this happen!