
I like to go through old hard drives for pr0ns of exes.

Sadly I never find any...mostly because I have very few exes.

So you think.

Especially with the Rainbow books!

Got me pumped to want to create a production DC with .wrld on it.

So is 10.x.x.x.

Why not use the 555 that phone companies use in movies then? 55.555.55.555/55

It’s security through obscurity.

Oh c’mon! How can you not think “money” when you see a Tesla driving on the road? It’s a car that costs $75k minimum! Who many middle class folks do you think can afford a Tesla?

So $10k difference for -7 miles but 0.5 seconds to reach 60 MPH?! Im stupid rich so lets go for the faster version!

Can you get more perfect than FB though? MySpace and Friendster were totally lacking in being social since you had to have people visit your page to get an update vs FB putting your posts in front of everyone who you friended.

Google+ was just too little too late. I wasn’t a fan of it at all from the getgo. Don’t

Exactly. Apple is not the home-grown company that needs the artists to give up some right so they can grow into something huge. They have $100 billion on the bank, they can afford to pay royalties.

At this point they don’t know about the flaws of XP and won’t care to upgrade to Win 10.

Use Firefox or Chrome and then install uBlock or worst case AdBlockPlus.

AFAIK sleep tracking can just be an update pushed out since it just tracks the movement on your wrist. Even if I don’t put my UP24 in sleep mode it will track it most of the time. How? My best guess is that my wrist isn’t moving and it’s a certain time of the night. When I get up to feed my son it tracks my movement

My 21 month old uses it daily and for hours at a time to watch anything from the Maroon 5 Animals video to ABC’s for Kids and other educational videos that keep him fascinated. He starts with one specific Youtube video and moves from there to other videos that are in Spanish (his second language) to English and

As a few have stated above, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law no matter how much evidence there is against you.

When all guns fire in the same direction, how much does it move the ship?

No you won't because then you'll have a $160 tent with no air matress.

HBO GO has always been a mess. I have complained about this to friends/family.

It's sweat and oil from your face that turns them yellow.