
Yay Altadena!

"Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch."

CDMA carriers such as Verizon and Sprint have your phones serial stored on their system. They can block those phones from being activated/used if someone reports it stolen. They can also block it if you are behind on payments.

Wait a minute hurr?! You mean to tell me iOS has had this for a looooong time already and Android is just getting it? Who's the copycat now?

I'm wondering if that has anything to do with the speed of reading and recognizing your mark? If they added say an extra second or two would that have raised the ratio to 1 in 500,000? If they cut it down to half of whatever the speed is now would that bring it to 1 in 10,000?

Sadly savings now means rates staying the same. They always go up, never down.

Response about iSheep/Fanboism and how Android has done this since version 1.

It's been part of SBS settings if you jailbroke your phone for a very very long time.

OMG their are doing chem trails! Conspiracy theorists unite and boycott them!

Wonder what the strength of concrete honeycomb with two pieces of plywood sandwiching it would be.

Definitely. Perhaps this should be part of the gun license requirement, "watch this footage".

For a few hundred thousand you can go really high up.

This is awesome.

Have an upvote!

The rock between the right tunnels seems too thin to support heavy stuff. Then again I'm not a geologist or engineer.

"Almost 30 years ago"? I was born in '79...damn I'm old.

How is it BS? They gave a specific timeline. I'm assuming anything before that is more folk lore and probably recorded/not recorded.

Aren't those questions they put on billboards to get jobs with them?

Also Dr. Pepper:

That was Dr. Pepper I believe.