
I'm assuming he means they have a shit-ton of money.

Alexander the Great was king by age 25

What's the other option? Pulling everything out then filling it in?

I disagree...$10 will buy me a 4 pack of Dogfish Head beer...or an 12 pack of Rolling Rock. Depending if I have to go to work the next day.

"Women have choices, men have responsibilities"

Meh...I'm cool with the environment and all but they would never do this in Vegas. Vegas loves a good explosion.

To put it in perspective the light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach us. So yeah the light we are looking at is technically 8 minutes old. The light from some stars left when the Columbus may have been crossing the ocean blue.

Gra-gra-grave dig!

Blackjack IMO is a game that if you are up a significant amount (subjective) you should get up and leave...yes I know "duh" but the longer you play the more you end up realizing that the house has the advantage.

You can always go to BGR or Engadget.

I mix sriracha and mayo on my sandwich for years. I event old my gf a couple of years ago that this would be a win-win for both subway and the makers of Sriracha.

Why can't they make it easy and use the 8 (up), 2 (down), 4 (left), and 6 (right), + (B), + (A). Then it's just:

Title should be "Amazon sold a stolen iPhone 5"

This. The Mayans were CST which means 5:11 AM CST time...not midnight EST.

Hans Gruber would agree. He did Die Hard.

I prefer the following Christmas movies:

Considering the world will end tomorrow, I don't care.

Not true. I have foreskin and lube is still required sometimes. Otherwise it just hurts you as much as it may hurt her.

As a large individual (I wish) you need lube.

Anal? But only if you are a chick above 18.