Organized Chaos

I agree with nearly everything you said. All the fancy credentials this guy has doesn't cause me to think any more highly of his opinion. And that's all he had to offer here, nothing more than opinion. It came off more like a silly rant as to which of his very expensive electronic devices he should use on any given

And yet you have nothing to say about a company who patented some hash marks and rectangles inside a circle.

You guys really should come up with some new material.

Being younger, hipper, technophiles doesn't make people more intelligent.

Actually I never said I wasn't an Obama supporter, that's just your assumption. Who I vote for is irrelevant here because it's more about being observant enough to see reality. Anyone who looks around can see trends & fads, can see people make decisions not so much based on being knowledgeable, but simply doing what's

My vote is for this comment.

It's Gizmodo/Gawker, we all know which way they lean. And I'd suspect a lot of the people instagramming their ballots & sharing their vote via social media are of the younger generation. Voting for Obama is the "in" thing to do among younger voters.

So is gawker going to unleash a holy war on this like they did the subreddit that took nude photos from Photobucket?

I realized something with their "bare bones" updates site. I don't necessarily miss Gizmodo as much as I miss the comments.

I think the movies need to be their own entity, standing on their own without the books propping them up. More people are familiar with the Star Wars Universe from seeing the movies than they are from reading the books. Jumping off into book territory right away will only confuse & lose people. I'd like to see, at

Wow, I can't believe it took 10 posts to get a comment like this. You guys are slipping.

As many others have said, there's a 2 month time being summer, the other autumn. So foliage has changed. But even more so, here in the midwest, we're coming off of a very nasty drought. Our regular rainfall didn't start till Sept., so everything (fields, crops, grass, etc.) was dried up & dead.

Yeah, there's no way that was around 70 mph. The dolly rig would have to go 70, the lure would have to go 70, and none of it was doing anything near that. Or at least not from what I estimate. Imagine if a car was driving through there at 70mph, it looked nothing like that speed.

I love it. I applaud their nerdyness. I was going to say they should incorporate the Flux Capacitor app for their smartphone, but by the looks of it, it's been removed from the Apple App Store (not sure about Android). Hmm, glad I got it when I did.

Yeah I know, that's what's being tossed around by ALL of the non-Apple supporters...and believe me, they (you) will keep tossing it out there again and again. So what? Yes, Apple has to eat a little crow for saying that back then. That was also something that was said during the Jobs era, but he's gone. As much as

You speak of "magic underwear," then quote this year's magic Obama word, FORWARD. Four years ago it was CHANGE. I want a President who's concerned about more than just a catchy gimmick.

So you heard your mommy & daddy talking politics at the dinner table and it inspired you to share this gem of a comment, huh? When you're referring to people who talk out of their ass, which is what I'm guessing you were shooting for here, you really should take a closer look at the words of Obama.

He sounds like a typical Apple hater when he says he feels like Apple's just releasing these products to see if there's anything we won't buy. OK Jimmy, what about all the other companies who released a 7" tablet before them?

"We're noticing problems on our iPhones in the office."

A company that adapts to the ever-changing market? Those dirty sons of bitches!