Two quotes from John Wooden that, I think, renders the 'private - public' bullshit debate moot:
Two quotes from John Wooden that, I think, renders the 'private - public' bullshit debate moot:
More like chattel - which isn't quite the same as property. More like a dog or a goat. Which, when it's displeasing or you're hungry, you kill it.
Basically, I was relying on other people to validate my existence - probably exacerbated by my father's utter lack of interest in his 'boring kids' - And I think this is a pervasive problem in that age range. I was in my mid-40s when I realized only I could validate myself. I wish this was something we taught in high…
I actually went through a long phase of this as a young man - I wasn't self-aware enough to recognize it until several decades later. I don't know exactly what the source problem was, but basically the world I grew up in had a rigidly defined example of 'rightness' - for both men and women, i'm sure. As a man, I was…
The government isn't to be trusted, which was kinda the whole point of his revelations.
You are not wrong - and to be honest, it's been so mis-used so thoroughly for so long that people should just say 'eat cake etc' from now on and everyone would still understand the reference. I just get a little bent on semantics that are so egregiously bent every now and then.
It's 'eat our cake and have it too'. 'Having your cake and eating it too' is, in fact, the perfectly natural way things work. You 'have it' and then 'eat it'. You can't 'eat it' and still 'have it' since once chewed up and ingested it's no longer really 'cake.'
Then that's probably good enough, since the biggest complaint so far is the 30hz refresh vs the standard [for me 60hz i think] only really applies to movement like games and video.
I appreciate the reply!
I'm looking in the not too distant future to get a Mac Pro Clone [well, build one, obviously] and will need a new monitor. I am familiar with the built-in screen of my current iMac. Due to desktop real-estate limitations, I'm very interested in a single large monitor. I do mostly photo/still images, some basic gaming.…
connect the iphone by wire [haven't tried this wirelessly] and open preview. File -> Import from Joe's iPhone [or whatever you call your phone] and it should open a window with all your images from the camera roll.
It's also a great way to clear images off your iPhone - mine gets cluttered up with images from the camera, screenshots, saved images from txt, etc. Opening Preview and going to the phone is a blink of the eye - select and either copy to the HD or delete. Done!
Also, I get some eclectic music, classical and rock/metal/pop old stuff from used CD stores - none of which are digitally downloadable even for cash from iTunes et al.
I freed up about 40Gb by finding duplications of movies my iTunes had downloaded to it's proper remote drive, but then doubled up when it was off-line and took it from the 'cloud' and dropped it onto my applications drive, thus clogging my SSD with random twins.
Some cuts benefit from 'with the grain' as the connective tissue softens up and the muscle fiber then separates easily. With sauce/gravy/etc it's a different but often highly desirable result. Think - oxtail soup [stew, really] braised shortribs, some stews [virtually all lamb] and finally, the grand-daddy of them…
Japan is a mono-racial, mono-cultural country. It serves to compare it to others, perhaps, like Switzerland [no capital punishment.] How about comparing to Canada, which has more in common with the USA than any other immigrant-based nation on Earth? 1.6% vs 4.7%.
The death penalty has been proven for many years and in…
You will never convince the majority of Americans that Revenge is not Justice. They've been raised on stories of the Old West etc and the RevJust plot theme is #1 in all action movies. It's just a fact of life.
but...but... I LOVE slouching boobs...
My AppleTV works fine. It was many times more expensive, and has lots of direct connection features with other services. However, I would still get a Chromecast for other situations where I just wanted a few, simpler features. It's totally affordable. I don't know the Roku, but my logic is based on covering the bases,…