
A Film By Joel and Ethan Coen. Opening ... when it's done.

Other reasons why Aaron is kept separate from the other inmates:

"American football is one of the fastest-growing university sports in the United Kingdom. The British Universities American Football League (BUAFL) boasts more than 60 teams and more than 3,500 players and coaches from 46 countries around the world. The British college football season runs from October to March, with

I live in the UK, I watch American Football. One thing you can cross off the list that you've never heard of before right?! :D

Yes I made it to the finals — now I got something to tell all my friends!.........if I had any

So much goddamn hate in the comments. Either post your own, superior mixes (or "mash-ups" since they're not technically remixes as one ass pointed out) or GTFO.

It's a larger problem than just gaming, unfortunately. Society in general seems to be losing its ability to treat people with any sort of courtesy or respect. This is most obvious on the internet, but you see it in real life too (most notably in politics, where some people seem completely unable to merely disagree

I just play games and I am sick of the haters and trolls. The worst is that these trolls genuinely believe they are entitled and justified in their behavior. They think they get to sling mud if they aren't entertained. Or make personal attacks if they are disappointed. It's like they never learned how to communicate

Person writes heartfelt blog article about how much they dislike internet hate.

Is it? Every time I play (on Xbox One) it works like a charm.

Luck: "Fuck yeah! Let's go get this win, baby!"

We need to team him up with Knowshown Moreno. And a mop.

How I view the Louisville Athletic Dept. in general.

Just set up your kinect. It's part of the system that you chose to buy, deal with it.

That wouldn't work - Petrino would get halfway through the recipe, give up and order wings instead.

I'd much rather see this:

The look on the joker's face perfectly conveys how tired this joke is.

Scanner Darkley anyone?