
Hey, so if you liked the show as much as I did, do it a favor and write it a review on Amazon, IMDB, and/or Rotten Tomatoes. It seems that there’s been a dedicated one star campaign against it for “bringing race into it” and being too “woke” from people who obviously haven’t seen it at all.

Krispy Kreme’s pumpkin spice cake donut is the best pumpkin spice thing ever, if you ask me. I’m not generally a pumpkin spice person, but I will drive all the way across town for one of those.

So, our state fair is going on now, and there are several cruise-ins and car club meetings in our city, so there’s been TONS, but there was one that made me laugh really hard.

Haven’t seen any of the Sonic movies, but I’m rooting for the hedgehog for this one.

Born and raised! Haha. Southeast/Central Illinois for me!

My mom used to take the chipped beef and use it for the outside coating on a cheeseball. We would make it for every NYE party, along with cocktail sauce and grape jelly meatballs.

Yeah, reading about all this, I was like, Our Flag is for sure going to get picked up elsewhere if they drop it, or they’re going to make it an HBO show proper.

A dive bar near our place hosts at least 10 different ghost franchises, to the point where I check the pickup location for any new place on DoorDash. They run the local Mariah’s cookies outlet. I agree that Mariah’s cookies are marginal in quality at best, too expensive, and don’t have an ounce of creativity in them.

I am 100% certain that I have ADHD and am pursuing an actual diagnosis and some meds, but being undiagnosed and also having a type A personality have led me to many of these coping methods and skills, just in a roundabout manner.

This was one of the first things I did. The ones that were left were Terrible. An easy fix that made me feel much better about the perceived level of cleanliness in the bathrooms.

I appreciated the planning scene in Volume 2 as a reflection of the occ D&D table talk in the first episode, but I was SO hoping that there would be a similar hero moment for Lucas and Erica that would reflect it. Even if they had a terrible loss, (which they kind of did, but not in the same vein of the campaign) that

I accepted the plot armor for the van wholeheartedly, though I too went, “HOW many miles did that van just cover?” They’ve got enough to worry about. 

Happened to me during a trip to Red Rocks. I didn’t have prescription sunglasses at the time, and though I wore a hat, it was just so very bright that day. By the time the sun went down and our concert was getting started, my eyes were in agony. I thought I’d just gotten sunscreen in my eyes, but no, I scorched them.

THIS. Working at a grocery store for only about a year, this was the biggest source of parking lot accidents. Don’t cut across the parking spaces, people.

Excited to try this one. I’m not a huge JJ fan in general, but the Chicken Caesar Wrap was a favorite of mine last year, and I’ve never opened a promotional email with more glee.

Regardless of the law or your building’s rules, if you’re going to grill, please please please be aware of the air intakes around the building.

Right? If the waffle plates were modified to be further apart to allow for some laminated puff in the middle, I think it would work better.

2006, it was prom night, and the crew and I were in our formalwear, headed to dinner in a town 30 minutes over before we would cruise back to the actual event. We had my friend’s mid 2000's Taurus with five people, and the only couple in the group in a borrowed ‘69 Camaro. Our friend had picked up the car earlier that

As I dislike bits in my drinks, I wonder if you could sacrifice a couple of splashes of your seltzer or some flat alcohol to let down the jelly/jam and dissolve it a little better before topping up with the remainder of your seltzer.

I get that it’s not for everyone, but I was introduced to this years ago, and still employ it when I am faced with a cupcake with too much frosting and do not have the benefit of a plate and fork.