
Whoppers and Robin’s Eggs are made at the Hershey factory in my hometown, and you always knew when it was Whopper day by the scent in the air. I got to take a tour when I was young, and I’ll tell you that the malted milk area did NOT smell good on the inside. Fun fact, if you’ve ever gotten a Whopper that was really

Salted butter is what I have, and salted butter is what I use. Nothing I make is delicate enough to be thrown off by a bit more salt, and often, that means that I just won’t add more salt later on. Why buy two different butters?

My family’s recipe is similar to this, except that you make it six months ahead of time, douse it thoroughly with cream sherry or rum and THEN put it into the fridge, unwrapping and resoaking once a month until it’s time to serve. A thin layer of marzipan is optional, and in my opinion, unnecessary.

It’s on my to-watch list, so I can’t make any judgements myself just yet, however, I don’t know why they felt like it needed to be in a season format rather than a miniseries anyway. They could have done six to eight episodes, captured both the fun and the delicious angst, and been done, especially since they knew

Shockingly inefficient to the point of being impressive. 10/10 no notes, and I rescind my previous statement. pizza not already a delicious hand-held treat?

These “extreme behaviors” are extremely common. Every woman or femme-presenting person has to do the math on every single interaction with a man. As far as we’re concerned, every man is Schrodinger’s rapist, because they have proved themselves so. 1 in 6 women in the US has experienced sexual assault. When these

I’ve sent texts to the wrong person by doing this exact thing, though luckily, none of them have been damning in any way. If someone else is texting while I’m composing a text, and I go to swipe away the notification, sometimes it moves to that text window instead.  In fact, as this was happening, I knew exactly what

I’m decidedly pro-brunch, but my whole life tends to reinforce my personal “treat yourself” ethic. Brunch every week is unheard of, but a special week, a lazy Sunday, a vacation treat? Lovely. I don’t tend to go hard on the alcohol, so that’s just me, but a sparkling treat to go with my chicken and waffles? Indulgent.

As a fuckin nerd, I really enjoyed Henry being like, listen, I’m a fuckin nerd, but I’m not THAT type of fuckin nerd, okay? Haha

A rental car of any variety, but especially something particularly nondescript. I would just assume that I’m getting murdered.

I’ve got four of my original 10, Katt, Fauna, Pango, and Spike, and I will likely never let them go, but then, they also haven’t asked to leave. The rest are a somewhat rotating cast. I really loved Sprinkle, but I built him a vacation home, so I know I can still find him if I want to. I need to get Clay off of the

Aside from telling my students to try to not care when people say mean things, I also tell them that the bullying rarely has anything to do with them. Kids who exhibit bullying behaviors are trying to make themselves feel powerful by putting other kids down, whether they’re just mean or they’re trying to overcome some

I hadn’t heard of this until I met my college friends, who swear by it. They get the frosted kind, toast them, and butter the underside, then eat them frosting side down. I will say, it feels pretty indulgent, and definitely livens up the dry pastry. I, however, am not a convert.

Let’s hear it for small businesses in your area! I know for a fact that there are jam-makers, honey-bottlers, fermentation gurus, and baking fiends in your backyard. Do some tasting now, and get your favorites for your friends. Your state might also have a database of places you can order online, like Illinois does at 

Chili tends to be a go-to in the colder months. brown up the meat and veggies, then throw everything in the crock pot, set out appropriate accoutrement, and be done. I’ve also found that anything around a fire is nice too. Have the chili in a crock pot, but then set out hot dogs or sausages, buns, and condiments, and

I have two, one of which I’ve posted about before, backing into a ditch in the dark at a very popular kid’s house in my youth, and his dad having to call a tow truck to pull me out. The embarrassment still stings to this day.

Peanut butter sandwiches featured heavily both in my college years and my severe chronic depression years. Sometimes it was a spoon of peanut butter with bites of bread, but it got me through. Ramen was popular, but it never filled me up, and my joints would get weird from all the salt.

Hashbrown casserole is very much a thing here in the Midwest (southeastern Illinois), but I’ve never had it as a Thanksgiving side. It makes sense, though from a regional perspective. This area, Kentucky and Tennessee has a blend of southern soul food traditions that have migrated north with solid Midwestern

Jumanji was the first movie to give me a nervous breakdown. It was absolutely horrifying to 7 year old me. My older sister used to make fun of me about it, until she caught it on TV recently. She called me and said, “WOW, now that I have kids, this movie is TERRIFYING.” I felt very validated. Haha