
Congratulations for making a dumbass comment.

So do you not feel that posting this video here....just promotes more idiots like this to go out and do this because you gave them fame for doing dumb shit.

I hope I’m not the only person who eats this shit up. I love watching a highly skilled person execute a game to perfection, but watching games totally deconstructed like they are in TAS videos absolutely fascinates me. The amount of time, effort, dedication and game-knowhow that goes into these things is staggering.

it’s fucking amazing how EVERY SINGLE SNOWDEN ARTICLE has someone posting this exact line of bullshit.

No. Just pop out your hard drive and donate your computer if you really want to dispose of it.

Content creators aren’t going anywhere. Let’s Plays are.

I’m trying to feel bad for these Youtubers, really, I’m trying. But I keep coming up empty. Perhaps an actual job might be of interest while they challenge YouTube’s corporate policies.

I think one joke on that subject is enough. I actually wish I hadn’t posted it.

Holy crap, 36 megabytes per second?? Are you sure you don’t mean 36 megaBITS per second, which is expressed as Mbps, not MB/s. (Most ISP speeds are represented by megabits, not megabytes)

36 Mbps is 4.5 MB/s

36 MB/s is 288 Mbps!

You’re right, but correct me if I’m wrong, but autopilot on a plane doesn’t do much other than correct course right?

Am I the only one “disappointed” the video cuts the moment the stabilizing rig breaks and the camera hits the ground?

apple’s capricious approval process for the app store makes them responsible for its contents.

BMI is a system used to evaluate health not physical appearance. Overweight on BMI is overweight medically. Suggesting your dietary and lifestyle choices are negatively affecting your health. If you feel physically attractive then that’s fine. But if your BMI indicates a classification of “overweight” it suggests a

not everyone is a high value target, so not everyone is going to be targeted. Also, not everyone's social data (dob, pet names, friends, mothers, etc) are readily available on the web meaning it would be harder for a hacker to social engineer your passwords. For average people, strong passwords are a very good

I always understood this to be the true meaning of wer;ofighna;fo bjnasfd.

That second video is why when it comes to scuba diving, for me it is 100 pounds of NOPE. Just nope.

As long as a) all those sequels, remakes and reboots keep making money and b) the movies have as a primary goal to make money, Hollywood does not need to take a chance. Low risk, high reward.