
Dude, I’m doing a phd in a STEM field and I’ve never taken cal theory...Your list sounds like your undergrad major requirements rather than any well thought out consideration of the value of a STEM education.

I didn’t say anything about the shirt itself, I commented on how many schools are recognizing why the arts are important to learning just as STEM is.

You can’t have a solid building without a foundation.

It’s all important. Think about the pairing of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak way back when.

Until I see a STEM major create a masterpiece that transcends all explanation in it’s beauty and poignancy and the breadth of its human expression, I’ll continue to value art above all else. Also, Japan has a long, beautiful tradition of fostering the arts. (BTW, you might want to add some basic grammar to those fancy

Basic STEM concepts are taught in preschool and kindergarten.

STEM is supposed to be an applied and integrated approach to education. IMO it’s missing the point to view STEM as limited to discrete subjects. We already have a problem with student engagement and diversity in STEM education. Using the arts to entice students who have been misled into believing their struggle with

I didn’t realize mathematics only included calculus and science only included organic chemistry.

Here's what you said:

What you’re saying is readily disproved by data — you know, that thing people with STEM degrees (so, apparently not you) are supposed to be well-versed in. You reveal your ignorance with your misuse of the word “metaphysics”. It does not mean what you think it means.

Agreed. If a woman can pass the Q-Course, let her do the job.

Elite soldiers, survivors—nay, conquerors—of the most grueling training and conditions known to man, primed and ready like the finest well-oiled weapons ever devised by man to hunt down and kill anyone at a moment’s notice... And they can’t help tripping over their own fucking feet at the merest sight of a woman.

I’ve never been in the military, but I have been a lifeguard. I can drag a 280 pound guy no problem, while simultaneously stabilizing his neck to prevent spinal cord injuries.

“I weigh 225 pounds, and 280 pounds in full kit, as did most of the members of my ODA (a 12-man Army Green Beret unit). I expect every person on my team to be able to drag any member of my team out of a firefight. A 130 pound female could not do it, I don’t care how much time she spends in the gym. Do we expect