
The ProActive endorsement can't be far behind...

He doesn't deserve this puppy.

Have you ever seen the movie, This Film Is Not Yet Rated? It's streaming on NetFlix. It touches on the difference of how male and female masturbation is treated in cinema and by the MPAA. /pun intended

If you haven't seen it, google Lee Atwater's "southern strategy" interview. Atwater was Reagan's campaign manager. Capitalizing on a good swath of white people's feelings after civil rights was intentional. The interview is pretty shocking about how blatant Atwater was about it. I shiver every time I watch it.

Are you assuming that I'm a proponent of teaching to the test? That's the exact opposite of what I'm about. blink I have a history degree, work in ed issues and intimately aware of the (a lot of times ridiculous) expectations placed on teachers. Sooo... I'm going to go enjoy my holiday now. At least we agree on

There is nothing wrong with asking, and I didn't take away from the post that the author was making fun of the student asking. She was shocked she couldn't even pronounce the word as a high school graduate never hearing of it, and yes, there should be (and are) standards of what is taught in high school. Apartheid

I think her point is that one should not graduate high school without being taught what apartheid is. In my home state, 17% of the population goes to college. High schools here do a horrendous job of teaching what the civil rights movement was and how it connects to issues today, ie voter id laws, etc. Pretty much AP

And Stephen Colbert is a former South Carolinian!

Also queso dip warmer or melting chocolate for dipping cookies/strawberries.

The Davids. After Michaelangelo's David. I guess D'Angelo is the updated version? There is room for them both, haha!

My iPhone is a slut and refuses to wear panties. Shameless whore! She gets all the action with that touch screen.

Puppy>Kitten>Baby>Dog>Cat>Adult human>Scary clown from It>Ferret>*Mole*


I think he just discovered the #lookadouche hashtag

Goes without saying.

Replying to ungray

Um agreed. In a handbasket. Had relatives serve in Iraq and Afghanistan. I do my part by working in politics to fight those right wing idiots.

You sound politically savvy. I like you.

Agreed. Liz is kind of an idiot. An ambitious idiot, but if she wants to tilt at windmills, shrug.

Indeed! Yeah, I mean it is annoying when you can establish residency just prior to the filing deadline, but you know, Constitution. Sometimes I want to bop people over the head with it.