Omg! I'm sorry people cannot follow threads and you are getting such misdirected venom. Smdh. Sincerely.
Omg! I'm sorry people cannot follow threads and you are getting such misdirected venom. Smdh. Sincerely.
"Naivety and inexperience" — I think you lose the right to use this excuse after age 30. And that guy looks pretty old.
Sadly that's only Hawk & Dove or Bullfeathers. I wish there was a House bar.
Care to explain the existence of The Mary Sue and its audience demographics? I get my geek/sci-fi related news there. Rarely do I go to Kotaku and I09, for reasons other commenters already outlined.
I mean, if the Mary Sue can find an audience for female geekery, I think they exist.
Yah, I'm waiting for all of them to go rogue one day. Those writers are seconded, too. Can we have Latoya Peterson back as well? A girl can dream (just not geek dreams apparently.)
Good for you for putting this on Jezebel. For a media mogul, guru or what have you, Nick certainly seems out of touch. When my conservative female friends are talking about these workplace issues on Facebook all the time, you know it's mainstream and not a niche subject. Please kidnap Caity and EGR and start your own…
Allergies and autoimmune disease have skyrocketed since the 70s. Researchers don't know why, but some think it may be a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental triggers. They are working on it though:…
I recently saw an adult guy with a kickass Type 1 diabetic tattoo on his bicep. It was great, and I can't do it justice on here. I wish I had a photo of it.
It's kind of refreshing to see her act without makeup (in some scenes?) I forget how unusual it is to see actresses without/minimal makeup.
This gif is my everything.