
Yeah, and a frightening percentage of French Muslims Christians, when polled, are cool with suicide bombings proxy bombings, abortion clinic bombings, bombing Iraqis with no connection to Saddam, much less al-Qaeda, I could go on all night.

“The man in the video tells her that people with any head coverings, including hats and hoodies, aren’t allowed in the store.”

this is a bad comment.

Ridiculous. Reminds me of those idiots who were going to get divorced because gay people could get married. If yesterday you were happy with a good thing that happened to you, it does not lose its worth today because it happened to someone else unless you make it so.

So if you take high blood pressure medication and the drug company - oops! - gives you a bottle of placebos and you have a stoke or a heart attack that’s fine because even on medication people with high blood pressure have strokes and heart attacks sometimes.

I have had OCD since I was 7 years old (complete with bouts of trichotillomania), and I have since learned to reconcile the difference between people who are “OCD” about keeping their desks straightened up and people like me who ritualistically clean their desks to prevent a totally unrelated disaster from occurring

In which he suddenly became Oscar fucking Wilde.

No it is not true. It’s something you’re very committed to espousing to justify men preying on children for sex. You chanting “girls are three years more mature than boys” doesn’t make it a fact. It makes you transparent.

When guys like this “quote” Jezebel, it is almost always factually incorrect, and merely their way of saying “chicks are dumb, huhuhuh.”

I read every comment on the Jez article, and the only reference to ‘tailgating culture’ was, “Folks over at Deadspin think [Jez commenters] are blaming ‘tailgating culture’”.

Not sure why that arouses your disgust. My son is on the spectrum, and that is exactly how to best communicate with him. Reducing the number of words parses the message down to its bare bones and eliminates the distraction of extraneous words which distract him (he latches on to interesting or unfamiliar phrases, and

My kids mishear lyrics and turn songs into Kidz Bop fodder all the time, and I LOVE IT.

To be absolutely clear: I’m not defending this sentient piece of dogshit, and I totally agree with you that she shouldn’t be within a million miles of any kid (or, frankly, any adult. Or animal. Or tree. Or bacterial microbe).

“Normal.” NORMAL.

Yo you gotta fuck right off with this shit. Stop writing dumb stuff on the internet and do some fucking research.

Only in 15 states and 1 unincorporated territory

As to whether or not she’d ever consider voluntarily going under the knife...

I wasn't really attracted to my ex based on her looks. It was her personality. I knew immediately upon meeting her that I wanted to be with her. She was not conventionally attractive but I still think she's the most beautiful person I've ever met. And all that was based on her personality, the most pure and genuine

“Oh, come on! That’s just silly. If I’m walking around and I’m very modestly dressed and I’m keeping to myself and someone attacks me, then I’d say that’s his fault. But if I’m being very lairy and putting it about and being provocative, then you are enticing someone who’s already unhinged — don’t do that. Come on!

I would shame the cut of that thong. What is even going on there?

She has brain damage: deal with it.