
OK, let’s go ahead and respond to this dipshit assertion, because people always make it on these posts. Generally, I ignore it because it’s so obviously fucking stupid, but we’re going to do this here and now. This is such a basically obvious point that I’d think anyone capable of tying their own shoes would get it,

The problem is and has always been that Alicia Keys has zero edge. She’s basically an actress who happens to be a musician. She can act like she edgy, and certainly started off that way. But the truth will out. And her basic Diahann Carroll-ness came to the fore and now we all know she’s just a pretty good pianist

But he argued that scientific advancements have now verified that unborn babies are human beings — information he said wasn’t necessarily available when the Supreme Court issued its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Imagine how much better off we’d all be if instead of all this posturing about religious beliefs, and nonsensical rights of fetuses, everyone just helped people who really needed it.

It’s a sentient UTI. If that isn’t the definition of newsworthy then I don’t know what is.

some time in the mid-90s I fell out of my bunk bed and hit my head. My parents took me to the ER, and the doctors asked me various questions to determine my mental status. One of them was “Who’s in charge at the White House?” I deadpanned “Hillary” and had the whole ER laughing. I was seven or eight.

Back in 2001 I worked at Bath and Body Works at Lenox Mall in Atlanta, GA when Whitney and Bobby came in. Whitney bought over $600 of candles and lotions. Bobby picked out one thing - a fishbowl full of small orange goldfish shaped glycerine soaps. He wanted every single one we had for his daughter. I can’t stop

Three people very close to me started their current marriages this way. None of them are proud of the way things happened, but all of them are extremely happy with their current relationships. One couple will be celebrating 20 years of marriage soon and another celebrating 8 years and two beautiful children. So you

I agree. Outrageous and disgusting. Shame on Jezebell.

I know this has already been thoroughly discussed, but I just love a reason to post this image.

Yeah, the hypocracy is unbelivable.

Kim Kardashian’s father is Robert Kardashian.

I figured it was a branch of Wolfram & Hart.

Siri is trying to erase history! Quick, someone explain that the confederate flags can’t melt steel beams! The civil war wasn’t about Olympic medals! Rabble rabble!

If they started removing all the stars of rapist celebrities, the sidewalk would not be ADA compliant.

I’d rather get a multi-million dollar salary than a cover photo, which is what the male players will take comfort in.

and none for hope solo, bye!

My boss loves Minions. She had us get Happy Meals last week so she could add to her Minions collection. It’ll probably happen again this week, and again until she’s got them all. Unfortunately she already had the one that I got in my meal, so now I have my own yellow piece of plastic that yells “BANCAKES!”

Kylie Jenner is a good example of cultural appropriation because has appropriated multiple characteristics. She is wearing cornrows, lip injections, and a painful looking pose to accentuate her backside. This form of cultural appropriation isn’t as blatant as say, wearing a war bonnet or bindi, but is still

Bizarre generalization.