
“‘I write to ask forgiveness again,’” Cardinal Dolan said in a letter accompanying the list on Friday, “‘for the failings of those clergy and bishops who should have provided for the safety of our young people but instead betrayed the trust placed in them by God and by the faithful.’

I agree with the sentiment of this article, but the quoted NYT piece is led with a large photo of the black woman principal who sent the letter to the parents. That somewhat complicated detail seems to have been purposefully omitted on Jezebel.

That he was an incredible, magnificent force is pretty much in-line with the accusations against him, Diana.

26 seems pretty young to see the shift to “weak or nonexistent” symptoms.

Could you share your index of legitimate hate crimes over the same period, or are you only interested in debunking the statistical anomalies? 

Someone is both profoundly ignorant and narcissistic, resulting in them thinking they’re extremely intelligent. It’s used pretty frequently to describe Trump.

Like all slang phrasing, it’s grammatically incorrect yet most people grasp its meaning. Has “all the things” caused you similar strife?

Not to mention multiple rad liberal/artsy towns! Obviously rural areas skew conservative (as they do everywhere) but there are also a lot of liberal ranchers changing that landscape for Montana... and have been for the past 50+ years.

OP seems to be saying she detected shade, though? 

Nah, it was virtually identical. Except they cast a lead who couldn’t sing and opted for CGI over animation, to ward off any semblance of charm in their Uncanny Valley. 

This reminds me of a conversation in my Language 101 course in college where another student was adamant that cats have complex conversations with each other, humans just conveniently don’t understand any of it.

If you think VS is the Rolls Royce of lingerie, you need to muster up the courage to get out the abandoned, tree-filled mall you’ve found yourself locked in.

You’re suggesting that his violence toward women isn’t related to his mass murder of random people? Please, spare us your thoughts on Elliot Rodger.

His comparison to changing one’s gender on their birth certificate (which is what the judge is taking into consideration, too) isn’t just harmful, it’s faulty.

they said “our future”, as in that of our country. Unless you’re saying our future relies on that anonymous poster avoiding failure?

This is an issue to take up with the American legal system and not Jezebel, I guess. In order to file a lawsuit against someone, you have to name them, and that’s a public record. And we have legislation to protect victims of crimes.

Right, but in a situation where someone is too drunk to consent to sex and their driver pursues anyway, they’re almost certainly not recording the ensuing assault.

Yeah, and this isn’t even one of those “both parties” situations- guy was (presumably!) driving sober and, if he’s to be believed, received consent from someone “so inebriated she [did] not remember portions of what is alleged to have happened.” Which is still criminal. 

man, what even is that argument- that she wouldn’t be able to address the issue? That she would make it worse?

I think a huge part of the disparity comes down to the crux of transphobia- that people are just acting or disguising themselves as another gender. A dolt who thinks that a transwoman is a man trying to sneak into a women’s restroom has reasoned with themselves that they’re not afraid of transman doing the same. That