
Can't get the link to work. Bummer.

I have over 250 games according to my steam community achievement... I think I've played about 90 of them. I must stay away from the sales...

I read the article that seemed the most interesting, the one that listed how the Xbox One was better than the PS4, from topiertactics, and I have to say that he's a fool.

The Xbox controller being better is personal opinion, first and foremost. Some people like it more, some don't. He likes it more, he said he liked

If you're only offensive on the hardest difficulty, you will die very, very often. If you don't swap weapons on harder difficulties or use specific combos in the later games you will be battling the same boss for ages due to dieing over and over. You're right, you can mash square and triangle through the whole game on

If you read the article I posted, the SCE America VP of Publisher & Developer Relations Adam Boyes confirmed that PS+ isn't required for MMO's and F2P games unless the developer chooses for it to be. So you can thank Square Enix for dropping the ball on that one. At least you can be thankful that PS+ is cheaper ($50)

Hard is different than their hardest difficulties, where if you don't dodge ever or block ever, you will die to regular minions.

Almost all of those design changes were implemented fairly recently. A lot of content was removed from D3 that was in the playable versions at multiple Blizzcons. Then you started seeing console job positions be created and open to applications on their website shortly after. Too many coincidences to be a coincidence.

I just chose not to do them. They weren't necessary for progressing so I was uninterested. The amount of gold I can get from doing them is substantial, but I can make the amount of gold from doing 5 hours of dailies in 30 minutes on the AH.

They're selling the items you use to get the coins (Lesser Charms of Good Fortune), which only allow you to do the quest to obtain the roll tokens once a week. I have thousands of those stupid lesser charms but only have 5 or so roll tokens because i can't turn the quest in more than once a week.

The issue with other MMO games is that they lack the amount of content that WoW has at this point. WoW fits so many niches for end game content. They have content for hardcore raiders, casual raiders, average raiders, casual players, hardcore PvP players, casual PvP players, etc., whereas none of the competition can

They're going for the Asian market first for multiple reasons. First and foremost, in Asia you don't pay a monthly subscription, you pay for hours like an internet cafe. It's also the strongest place to test it as it has the highest playerbase and they're also far more welcoming to "micro transactions" than the west.

Matter of opinion. I enjoy playing WoW with friends quite a bit. Alone, not so much.

What? To divide the playerbase due to Microsoft's unwillingness to change or modify their policies in order to update them to modern day standards is silly/utterly retarded. That and paying for an XBL Gold sub and a sub for FFXIV would be annoying/aggravating.

On Microsoft's consoles, you're required to pay for the XBL Gold subscription to use any online services, unlike Sony's consoles. Therefore, you would have to pay for the subscription to XBL as well as the subscription for FFXIV.

Yes, you're right, as I said in my previous post. It is silly/utterly retarded that

You do indeed need PSN+ to play multiplayer games. You do not, however, need PS+ to play MMO's or F2P games. The president of Sony said that it was "silly" to pay require customers to pay for a subscription for a subscription based game or to make players pay to play free games. The only reason a player will need PS+

I know this. It is indeed silly that Microsoft doesn't allow cross platform play the way Playstation is willing to. I also believe, personally, that it's silly that you would have to pay for XBL Gold as well as the sub for FFXIV to play the game, whereas on PS4 you will not.

This game didn't even look good when they announced it. At first I was kind of excited but then as the trailer went on longer and longer, it turned into slow mo kills for every kill and all I could think was "I'm already sick of this and it's been 5 minutes. I can't imagine playing this for 8+ hours and being happy

Not on harder difficulties... God of War no. You'll die right quick if you try to do that on the hardest difficulties.

I know guys and girls that those stickers would work for, though of course I'd need to get one that says "Fake Geek Guy" instead for the guys. I would buy those stickers in stacks honestly, they're awesome.

Yes people do. I've already preordered KH3 for PS4 and that's apparently for Q1 2014 but it'll probably get delayed to at least Q2 if not Q3