
How is that silly? That's a perfectly legitimate reason as to not release it for both. It's not their fault Microsoft isn't willing to let its players mesh with those of other areas. Besides, who wants to pay for two online subscriptions to play one game? Oh you're so silly Xbox.

Some of the games and apps that are free, that I thought were worth looking at, are:

Peggle, Badland, Superbrothers: Swords & Sorcery, Survivor Z, LANScan, Infinity Blade 2, Tiny Wings, Where's my Water, Barefoot World Atlas, Showings, War of Reproduction, How to Cook Everything

Oddvintagechap has one of the best explanations I've read for those that aren't as tech savvy as others. I knew the difference but wasn't able to explain it well enough to be worth trying as everyone that I did try to explain it to was simply looking at me with a confused look. Well done OVC.

That makes sense then. For me, I've been getting tired of Halo and Gears of War, as well as Call of Duty so the day 1 DLC doesn't mean much to me. The biggest hitch for me, game wise on the PS4, are the IP's they own and all the indie games that are supposed to be coming out for PS4. They've got something like 50

World of Warcraft (trying to avoid it but it's cheap and I'm broke)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Bioshock Infinite
Tomb Raider
Portal 2
New Super Mario Brothers U

I usually turn on my bluetooth headset and put it on the table next to me. That way all the talking goes to my headset and I can enjoy my gaming experience.

I have a cheap $5 keyboard that came with my old computer plugged into my PS3 so typing in anything is ezpz. I never bothered with one on 360 though, since it was mostly unused in the house. Everyone didn't want to spend $60/mo just to play with their friends when the competition let them do it for free. Now they

I don't get why people hate him. Yes, he has opinions. Everyone has them and not all of them agree with yours. Yes, he seemed kind of wacked out during Indie Game: The Movie. Also during the entire movie he was basically being given a sodomy with a tire iron from his ex partner and was threatening something he'd been

Of course it's pointless when your console is at the bottom of the list. You aren't going to boast about your computer's internals if you've got the worst computer out of all your friends.

While they removed what people were complaining about, they also removed the "family sharing" deal, which if it is how it was detailed to be by multiple inside people where it was an extended Trial version, there was no reason to remove the family sharing. That was more of a childish act on their part in order for

I couldn't imagine playing an RPG with no story. That would be awful. I remember reading that and saying out loud "Are you !@$%ing retarded?!"

I would edit my post, but for whatever reason it won't let me touch it. I can't edit it, delete it or do anything to that particular post. T_T

I used the wrong person and was thinking of Hiromichi Tanaka, not the old CEO which is Yoichi Wada. While Uichi Wada made terrible choices, which is why Square Enix has been delving deeper into oblivion at this point, he's not the fault of FFXIV's trauma.

While the new FFXIV, Realm Reborn, is looking better, the

My apologies. For some reason I've always had Yoichi Wada and Hiromichi Tanaka mixed up in my head and truly despise Hiromichi Tanaka. That guy is just an asshole and has a very closed perception to how things should be.

Looks ugly, but function > look imo. One of the ugliest controllers I've ever used was the Gamecube controller yet it was probably one of the most functional controller's I've ever used. It fit into your hands perfectly as well as the perfect button and joystick placements.

He was the head of Final Fantasy 11 (the online one) and 14 (the other online one). Those are his two recent ones, with 14 being complete and utter trash and having to be remade from the ground up. 14 alone was supposed to have put them in dept millions and is the reason they're posting for expected financial losses.

Awesome. They kept the trash around instead of tossing it in the dumpster where it belongs. Now their office is going to stink yet again.

At the rate that Square Enix is going, they're going to go bankrupt and we're no longer going to have Final Fantasy games come out. Too many poor decisions from the Japan based HQ.

The reason it won't happen is that there's no good way to implement the combat system while also keeping people playing after they've created their perfect teams.

This kind of stuff has happens to me, as a 24 year old man, at conventions, theme parks, even museums. The worst is at work though. People in general are just creeps.

It's not one sided as people try to proclaim it is. The guys that I know that have had it happen to them just don't really talk about it.

Video games are supposed to be fun. Basically being told by the guys that make your console to bend over and just take it how it is for more money isn't fun.