
Kinect is still required to be plugged in for the Xbox to work. There is no option 2.

The cloud was a bunch of bull the way they described it. The tech to do what they were saying it would do isn't possible, especially with the current internet speeds of the majority of the planet being what they are: slow.

So uh... What exactly makes the Xbox better than the PS4 now? Not Call of Duty since it's on both. Not Halo since it's basically the same game that it was 9 years ago. Not Gears of War since that franchise has also become heavily diluted and the last installment was considered mediocre. So what, exactly, is a good

Steam also gives you far better sales and better prices the majority of the time. I haven't paid full price for a single game I own on Steam with a single exception being Skyrim. Everything else I have I got for 30-90% off. Microsoft doesn't do those kinds of sales and when they do, it's usually on old as hell games

What, exactly, did we lose from this? You can still do stuff in the background, you can still switch between what you're doing and still go from store to matchmaking. At least on PS4 you can. Then to top it all off, consumers gained their rights to their products back, which was a huge victory. When you buy the games,

A metric ton of people sell their shit to gamestop. It's just sad honestly. People are too impatient and don't want to wait to sell their games then have to ship them out, so they take 10-40 dollars less than it's actually worth. It's just sad. I used to work at Gamestop and it was disgraceful how many people would

That's fine since PS4 still does all of that.

Considering how much better PS+ is than Xbox Gold, I'll take PS+ any day, and it's cheaper to boot.

More free games every month, with usually 3 free games that are new and always 12 free PS3 games and 6 PSVita games available at all times, then discounts on nearly anything that's new to the store. It still kicks the

Yes, Xbox Live Gold is still required for anything that is online aside from making purchases. Streaming, Free2Play games, MMO's and any video service still costs money and require a paid subscription to Xbox.

Supporting Xbox One would be like supporting someone that wanted to rape you that only stopped because they got caught in the act.

Sorry Microsoft, I can't support someone that doesn't care about their customers or consumers. I just can't. You can see how they really felt with their initial responses; they only changed

So how about a FFVII remake? That'd be swell.

Yes, which is funny since F2P games on PS4 are actually F2P and require absolutely no paid subscription whatsoever.

You guys are funny. Sports in general is a bore.

Doesn't break my heart. I don't think Gears of War is all that great. It's become really boring and repetitive. Nothing new has come out of the series in quite a while.

  • While they haven't talked that much about the PS4 Eye, it would be best assumed it's mostly due to not wanting to end up how Microsoft did at the conference and really just aggravating the vast majority of their customers. They've had separate conferences about it and have talked about it extensively on the sides, but

I wasn't really that impressed, mostly because it's LoL. If it was a good fighting game, Starcraft or DotA 1 or 2, I would have been, but LoL is the lowest bar. It's not nearly as hard to be good at LoL as it is to be good at its roots, being DotA and DotA2.

I'm a bit jealous of the fact that he has this kind of

The local Gamestops around me still have available preorders for quite a few whereas Gamestop ran out of PS4's twice but kept getting the OK to make more available. I think they've got between 40 and 50 preordered at this point for PS4 and about 24 for Xbox One. I only know this from looking at the sheets that they

Weird. They already stated that their used game plans are that if you bought the game, it's yours. Weird. Denying facts and favoring one over the other out of sheer blindness is called fanboyism.

Why would they have a higher chance of distribution? Sometimes they're not small budget or indie games. Do you see Jade Cocoon 1 or 2 on digital distribution? How about Soul Nomad and the World Eaters? Eternal Darkness? Killer7? Legend of Legaia? Good luck finding those for a decent price. There's many more that are

You can recover from a downward smash if you're not at a certain threshold of damage. You can't recover from Fox's deflector no matter what your damage % is at. If he hits you when you're at 0%, you'll still die every time. If Falco hits you with his air down a, you can recover until you're past about 60%