
They went last year for MvC3U and SSF4AE. They both placed in SSF4AE; no one placed MvC3U.

I'm with Domoto on this one. It's daunting when you know you don't really have a chance, which makes it far less fun for those that aren't as skilled. Playing someone that's at pro level in a fighting game when you're fairly new is not fun at all. You'll barely hit them, they'll kill you with what looked like very

Most of the time we didn't use it because it was annoying to be around since everyone that was doing it was so loud thanks to how it was done. We only did it at tournament like play because you really needed to there, but otherwise we avoided it as it was extremely loud to do.

In melee, if you hit someone with Fox's deflector while they're off the level at all, even at 0 damage taken, they cannot get back. It hits you diagonally down and the person that was hit has a 3 second delay before he can make an action again. Hence, that's why I said it's broken. The actual deflecting part isn't :P

It's mostly because it's intimidating to people that don't know how to play.

A group of guys I used to hang out with and myself used to play SSB Melee a lot. We were all pretty good. We didn't know how good we were until we started playing against people outside of our group, but quickly found out we were above

Melee was like that. Casuals could have fun while the hardcore melee players like me could have a blast as well. Wavedash woo. Fox's deflector was broken as hell.

I honestly didn't think that Ryse was all that impressive. It was too many slow mo kill sequences that quickly became unnecessary and, for me personally and some of my friends since we all talked about what we liked most, thought it would become really annoying and aggravating to have the slow mo kills even half as

Yeah I saw that. I didn't know they'd announced it for both until afterwards.

Yes it does with the Playstation Eye 2, which is 59.99. They didn't talk about it though, because to Sony it's not as important a feature as the games are. It has facial recognition, can tell where you're sitting as to flip the spots for couch coop, which they talked about at their release before E3. It does

Nope. Only to play online multiplayer for games that required money to obtain them with F2P games and MMO's being excluded. Everything else is free and doesn't require PS+. It never has, and the recently needed PS+ to play multiplayer for games like CoD was announced for PS4. It's still free on PS3 to play online with

It looks a lot like the newer Android versions, 4.0 and up.


You lost me. The PS4 has cloud enhancements, sharing, switching through games on the fly, kinect-like enhancements with the Playstation Eye 2 and Xbox is really short on exclusives in comparison. What exclusives did they show off at E3 for Microsoft again? Forza, Ryse, Titanfall and Halo? Ryse looks ok, not amazing

Here's the counter arguments:

The issue with not allowing people to buy used games is that not all games are released digitally. Lets go with your perfect world, a world where used games don't exist and you bought an Xbox One.

Awesome game "AGOne" comes out. It's awesome, but it's not a huge, widely known title so it doesn't go to being

Almost every game on Xbox One that they showcased isn't an exclusive. The only exclusive titles they have for Xbox One are Forza, Halo, Ryse and Titanfall. Halo isn't made by Bungie anymore, so that one's off the shelf. Ryse looks decent, but not good enough to buy a heavily flawed system for and Titanfall could be so

While I don't believe they "betrayed" me, I do believe they really gave all their customers the shaft. There's a lot of loops to jump through just to play a video game. Check in with big brother Microsoft at least once every 24 hours; must have Kinect plugged into the Xbox One for it to work (but can turn it off after

I don't see the market. What he wants is a Rovio machine honestly. Hell, the only game he really cares about, Gears of War, is apparently coming to Playstation 4. http://imgur.com/TAmcXOo taken from a behind the booth visit. Also explains why nothing Gears of War was shown at Microsoft.

Even then, if your internet goes out, if you move, if you're in the military, if you're not in one of the regions that Xbox One will be available for, if their servers go down, you can't play.

PS4 does everything the Xbox One does, including the swapping between games. They showed that at the end of their press