
What licensing stuff? You mean from Call of Duty and Infinity Ward, which got torn to shreds thanks to Bobby Kotick, right? You mean in an era where F2P FPS games are going to be on the next generation of consoles? I don't see CoD being the huge competitor that it is with F2P being available on consoles like it is

You do realize that Playstation's paid online service, PS+, has given people free games for over 2 years, right? It also gives away new games every month, this month being Xcom: Enemy Unknown, Uncharted 3, LittleBigPlanet Karting and Machinarium, and they also always have at least 12 PS3 titles free and 6 vita titles

The PS4 does everything the Xbox One does but is cheaper. All the sports stuff is free online. PS4 also doesn't require you to check in with big brother Microsoft at least once every 24 hours. PS4 also doesn't require a paid subscription to PS+ to watch Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, etc., or to play MMO's and F2P games.

New PS4 controllers are bigger, if you didn't notice. Also, PS4 does the exact same thing you want an Xbox One for, except it doesn't require you to check in with big brother Microsoft at least once every 24 hours.

Then why not get a PS4 since it does all of that and is cheaper?

That is the EXACT reason why, if you're a gamer, do not get the Xbox One. Get a Rovio player, that's all the Xbox One is.

I can't stand behind Microsoft's business practices for this one. There's a plethora of things that could go wrong. They didn't showcase much that was Xbox exclusive, game wise, that made me care. They have two major titles that are going Xbox One that aren't going PS4 near launch, which are Forza and Ryse, with PS4

Even with the strong titles, Sony's showing of some very good looking Playstation 4 only games was impressive, as well as the Playstation Plus being much stronger than ever. It was a genius move to not increase the price of it while continuing to offer free games that are new games, as well as the very impressive

If they were honestly going to remove policies for this console from feedback, they would have already removed a lot of the not-so-friendly consumer restrictions. So far, they've stood behind it and it's hurting them exponentially. They could also remove them then add them back mid way through the life of the console

That quote could be read as being good or bad. It could also mean they could take away any of the customer beneficial priorities and toss them aside, which wouldn't be at all uncommon for a large company to do while keeping the aspects that are beneficial solely for themselves.

Yeah, I'll take that one quote with a

Women getting paid less than men isn't extremely uncommon, but it's usually a much, much closer gap, usually within 3% with the reasoning being that, statistically speaking, most women, full time specifically, work less hours per week and take more time off than men. That is a huge gap though... If it's truly an

They're going to need some titles that are really game changing to really keep their audience after the shitstorm that has been brewing since announcement of XBOne. Some very, very, very good looking titles and a lot of them since their core titles are mostly dead. Bungie no longer makes Halo and the multiplayer has

Not really. They don't require online verification.

To me and most of the people I know, Microsoft has yet to "force" people to want their console or really want their console. I want Microsoft to have incentives that are video game based and not media based, which they don't truly have yet. They had it once upon a time, before games like Bioshock and Eternal Sonata

Skyward Sword is good. It's a very good game, with the majority of people believing so.

It's a crappy business model to be trying to gain all the time exclusives in an attempt to force customers to buy their products. You shouldn't be forcing customers to buy your products, you should be making them want to buy them because they like the product, not because you screwed them over if they didn't buy it.


And every time they say Kinect, your Kinect in your house will freeze your Xbox like it did for the last press conference... bwahahaha

I'd go. It'd be fun to go to E3

She lives?! FML. She needs to just die.