
There's already a dub quite far into progress and I know when they're announcing it. Anyways, I don't think I could buy or play this game. That UI is just atrocious.

I thin I'll get it. It looks like a multiplayer version of Odin's Sphere and Muramasa.

That's pretty awesome that he bought pizza for everyone. :D

He could be playing it on his phone or on a laptop while travelling from one destination to another. If you work too hard with no play or time to yourself, you'll just bring yourself into a downward spiral.

I like how people complain so much about SimCity and the server woes when Diablo 3 had the same issue but if you hated on it for that reason, people defended it mightily quick like it was a protected class in the work environment. I remember Diablo 3 sucking for a good while and being nearly unplayable with a lot of

Uhm... Why even talk about it? It's a mature game for a reason. The entire game is built around very mature themes, mature/higher level thinking and ideas as well as mature levels of violence. I don't think the violence is out of place for the game as it fits in with how everything went crazy.

Ignorance is a bliss I guess. My friends and I kind of think it's funny that the new Microsoft console may require always online because it'll really screw up their sales. Yes, most people have internet but when your internet is down for hours at a time, you won't be able to pay. Oh boy would I be pissed.

How dare the man have some fun on the little downtime he gets! How dare he!

Because everything you do on the computer and internet isn't already recorded...

Of course it is since there's the issue that men, on average, are bigger than women. The other issue is that size means very little when the smaller person has a weapon while the bigger person doesn't. Doesn't matter if one person is 90 pounds versus a person that's 300 pounds if the 90 pound person has a gun.

Now I

It's not really fixed, so it's still not worth getting. It also sucks when the servers go down for maintenance so you can't play for hours at a time. Get the pirated version, it runs smoother and it doesn't require you to be online. Normally I wouldn't advocate the idea of getting something pirated over something


Uhm... Who actually thought that A:CM would be good? There hasn't been a good Aliens game since who knows when. Every single one that has been released in the last 5 years has had very poor reviews and bad gameplay. Every company makes a bad game from time to time. Oh well.

While they may not know why people aren't buying it, they could look at other games of a similar line and see what was different, making it easy to find out what exactly they did wrong. They could also go online and read why people said they didn't buy the game, as PC gamers tend to bring their feelings of a game

While I think the part about oppressing females is utter shit in the article, since the main part to ignore is the ignorant feminist approach to the story, I do agree that lack of real charges against these two is complete bullshit.

Uhm... if anyone thought A:CM was going to actually be a good game, that's just funny.

Meh. I wouldn't be surprised if the Diablo 3 release for PC was the "beta" as the other person put it. It sure as hell felt like it. Shoot, most of the things they talked about for Diablo 3 didn't even make the cut when the game released (PvP, enchantments on weapons aside from cold, world events, random dungeons,

Exactly what I thought when I was reading it.

Is there a list of all the games Kotaku has said were games worth checking out on the Apple and Android stores?

Why would you vote with a signature instead of your wallet? I just don't buy online only games and will continue to do so. They never work out in the consumers best interest.