
They might on the Apple store but not the Android market. One of them went on sale recently, but it was still $15. Not much of a sale.

But the reverse side of that is if they charged $5 instead of $20-$40, it would be far more tempting and would most likely sell 4x+ the amount of copies they've sold simply because the price is something more reasonable and expected on the market they're selling it on. There's a huge reason they're getting net losses

They really need to quit charging such an insane amount for phone games. I really want some of the stuff Square makes for the mobile market but mfw those prices...

I loved it. It made the person behind the uniform stand out. You no longer stood out because of your clothes, you stood out because of you. Of course you'd have the one small thing that was against the uniform, but in the end it was the person that matter and not the clothes. It was awesome. Some become sheep while

That's an awesome video.

Well, for me, I buy bottled water because it's neigh impossible to find water on construction job sites so I buy that crap in bulk. Unless I want to be dehydrated as all hell at work, I buy water and so do a lot of the other guys.

So they slept together about once a month. He helped support her and get her into what she had wanted to do. She didn't win, was upset that he wasn't going to be able to keep on his promises because she didn't win, then left him.

Easier. It's easier to make a car look nice than it is a human being with tons of moving parts, whereas for a racing game, it's mostly just a car and a few other things in comparison. There's also the fact that you will be speeding by things at breakneck speed so they don't have to look nearly as pristine as they

I voted for Gary Johnson for president. Otherwise I vote for none of the above every time when it comes to candidates. The two party system is a past relic.

I voted for president, but it was Gary Johnson. In the end, there's only two parties that really do anything in the U.S. and if you're in-between, the person you vote for that isn't one of the two has an insanely small chance to even be recognized. So I did vote, and I voted for someone that most people never heard

Yes I do realize this. That doesn't mean I have to like the politicians and if I can't decide which one is the less shitty politician, I won't vote for them. I did vote for presidency, but I voted for Gary Johnson, the libertarian candidate. Of course I'm going to vote for laws though because those will directly

The only reason it's a problem to me is because after a short while, they quit publishing older games. I can't find games like Lost Odyssey new anymore, it's near impossible and when I do, it's usually overpriced like crazy for no reason. Or going even further back, it's just as impossible to find Jade Cocoon 2 new as

I would love to get into comics, but I've no idea where to start

I want this so bad...

And that's why I don't believe in politics nor will I waste my time voting. There's no reason to vote on one politician over another when they're all garbage. I'll vote on laws, but not politicians.

You can't get a ticket for speeding on a vehicle without a motor, it's a loophole. Using gravity as if it were an engine isn't illegal. Also he wasn't being reckless or negligent as he was travelling on the correct side of the road and when a car was indeed in front of him, he kept a safe distance from the car.

And this is why I chose to mod my Wii and will mod my Wii U. While I'd happily buy things from the companies that release them, Nintendo's online store and online in general is complete shit. Then if something of yours breaks, you can't transfer the games and what not to your new console or if you can, it takes hours

Well with the most recent article where she was doing "research" herself to check to see if what he said was true about the female streamers vs the male streamers, it came out pretty spot on. Bigger video of themselves in the video games they play, big donate buttons with pictures of themselves on their stream page

Yes. Yes I did. I want to watch a stream where I can see the entire game, not 3/4ths of the game.

Legend of Korra is good, though not as good as Aang's story. That isn't quite their fault though because they were expecting only one season, even though they should have expected it to last far longer as Avatar was the most watched show on Nick and it was yet again with Legend of Korra.