
My computer, brand new with a monitor, was $900 almost 3 years ago. It still runs games on max settings and the only things I've upgraded is a monitor (27" 2560x1440 IPS for $280, stellar deal, best looking and highest quality colors I've ever seen on a monitor) and the video card only because my old card died a

That's the biggest problem. It'd be near impossible to have a true league for LoL, so I don't quite get how it'd work out.

When I said improve, that was more of a general use of things they borrow and not just video games. Yeah, we've all seen the straight up copies of games that someone in China stole. I was talking in a general sense that was broader than video games and for Asia in general. For instance, Japan and South Korea didn't

Well I get that much. I understand that it's real players, I just don't see how it'll work. There's not enough teams to really make it competitive, or as competitive as something like Fantasy Football. I only said AI so that you could vote instead on the characters of the game and not players.

I dunno, there's not enough players to make it a real strong competition. There's only a handful of teams that actually compete in LoL.

I'm white. Blonde hair, blue eyes, light skinned white.

I have hydrogen peroxide lying around. It was a house with two boys in it, so we got injured all the time.

Patent laws are getting to be utterly fucking garbage. At least this one isn't as retarded as the Apple vs Samsung one. That one was utter bullshit the whole way through.

A fantasy league for LoL? What? Why would you do that. If it's supposed to be like a Football fantasy league, which I only know an inkling about thanks to my co workers constantly talking about it and the show "The League" then how the hell would this work? This has no viable way of working if it's supposed to be like

I was never that good at Skate sadly. I tried it but man I was awful. I also didn't try it for very long, though.

It's part of every culture. Every culture copies things from others and uses it if they see it advantageous. The only thing I've noticed, though, is that Asian cultures will copy other cultures more and try to improve upon what they copied.

If only Borderlands 2 was no sale...

Sony's isnt'a proprietary hard drive. It's any laptop sized hard drive. I swapped mine with your average Western Digital 1tb hard drive.

If it's anything like when the Wii came out, it could honestly be sold out. The Wii was hard to come by for years when it was nearing the holiday season.

I don't like how the only way to kill someone is by using a special when they have no bar. It's honestly a little bit lame though I get the tactical reason for it. If you can't land the special, your own loss. Honestly, though, I think I'll stick to Super Smash Bros. Melee. It's got the tightest controls of the bunch

And never, ever leave it at a girlfriend/boyfriends house. Ever.

Reading all these comments as well as the story makes me never want to be a father.

All you had to do was read the title and the only thing that would pop into mind is "NO SHIT!" right? Jesus could that have not been more obvious. It didn't even need to be stated.

Wow. Those are some incredible stories of people doing incredible things for their peers. Those people did amazing deeds for those around them with a very high likelyhood that they didn't even know the person or persons that they were helping. That's just incredible and they, by all means, deserve to be recognized.

We don't have a score nearly as high as yours. We're all so damn busy that when we play anything we all stick to games that last forever where getting an achievement probably took hours upon hours. We all mostly play on PC as well, so we don't have to worry about it either.