
The PS Vita isn't as widely supported by developers as it needs to be in order to sell. The price point is also too high. While I really love the thing, I just hate the lack of titles and the fact that I STILL can't play some of my UMD games on the PSP on the damn thing without modding it. It's frustrating.

Make it so you don't have to completely leave the game to use them. Could also do what PS3 does where when you get achievements, it's automatically posted to your news feed, which I love.

Most of the time I don't leave tips is at Denny's. We usually go very late at night, after going to the bar, and often there's no one at there or very few people. We consistently got bad service at one to the point where we got the manager involved because it was just horrible. We were never rude and never harassed

I know if you're calling Sony about some issues, try to get a male rep. The female reps take their jobs extremely seriously and are very against helping you out with the problems. For instance, I used to put my account onto my friends PS3's so we could play games together that only I owned or only they owned. Then one

Oh my god, I can't wait for 3.0 to release stateside!

Don't make this game F2P. My server(s) are already so jam packed that during the afternoon I'm in queue for 1-3 hours depending on the day. If they went free, no one would be able to log in and the "better" servers would explode. They're at 10mil people and that's plenty of cash for the game to keep on chugging. Then

Darksiders 1 was buggy, crashed often and the PC controls for it were awful.

I didn't get Darksiders 2 for PC, only 1. Darksiders 1 played awful on it for myself and a friend of mine.

Play Darksiders 1 on PC through the whole game. That game was meant for consoles and it showed. Buggy gameplay, consistent crashes and the controls weren't nearly as strong on PC as they were on consoles.

When I played it for PC, it was extremely buggy, would crash often, the video settings were only resolution sizes and it just kept on crashing. I ended up getting it on PS3 afterwards because it was basically unplayable on PC.

I can't stand this show. I think it's boring as all hell and the banter between characters is very boring and, understandably, seems to be meant for a very young audience. The plot is nonexistent, the characters lacking any and all depth. The comedic aspect of the show is geared towards very small kids and the few

There's quite a few people on here that are quite upset that you put that the game is better on PC. There's more than a few games that are not as good on PC as they are on console. Look at Darksiders. Holy hell is that an awful game on PC. The controls suck, there's extremely little adjustment for video settings and

This is one of my favorite movies. I have never liked musicals but this one really struck a different cord. It was interesting; it was funny; it had Neil Patrick Harris in it; I loved it. I honestly watched it because Spoony (makes videos on movies and video games) would mention it so often. It's fantastic.

I did for 2 years after being terminated from Gamestop. They got sued in a class action lawsuit 5 times in 2 years and I made about $1900 from all of it over the course of the 2 years.

I had sex with a 14 y/o... When I was 14. :D

I'll thank them if the U.S. sees this game.

I honestly don't know many people that buy the Squeenix games on mobile devices. Only one of my friends have, yet all of my friends who play video games are huge fans of the older FF games. We all would buy them if they weren't so exorbitantly priced compared to other games on the devices. We can't see spending the

I honestly don't know many people that buy the Squeenix games on mobile devices. Only one of my friends have, yet all of my friends who play video games are huge fans of the older FF games. We all would buy them if they weren't so exorbitantly priced compared to other games on the devices. We can't see spending the

We're way too busy trying to cater to everyone that it's become a nuisance to everyone.

It would be impossible to get that kind of maneuverable room at Comic Con sadly.