
Little to no advertising in the West. I never, ever saw ads for it and only heard about it from friends or when I actually went into a game store and saw it. Even then I was like "What the hell is that? What are you talking about?"

I do this all the time when moving things taller and heavier than me.

Good. This guy was a douche. I remember him saying that translating the patch notes to English was a "waste of time and resources," his extreme racism, blatant disregard to community feedback and even laughing when being asked why they didn't add a "jump" feature to the game saying the players don't need or want a

There's only 4 places my money goes: My car; my woman; my computer and my stomach. That's it. I don't experience the hell that is low settings. /shutter

Looks shopped but would still be good.

I'd hit it like a g6.

I'll try some of that amikothecat.

12 Episodes :[

Most people don't interact with others at the bar either, yet they still go.

I was thinking the same thing. I've never seen it.

LOL it was only 5 hours, since when is "8 hours a day at work" synonymous with stfu.

Every time I hear the music from the end and the opening music, I think of "I Wanna Be The Guy" oh man that game made me angry on so many levels. Yes I know Megaman came first, but that's what it makes me think of as I had to play that game far, far longer to get anywhere in it.

Anything iPhone vs Android becomes a huge fanboy frenzy with one person saying that one is the best while the other says it's the best while usually proving no points at all and it coming down to the type of complete garbage said by folks like "DriventoInsanity" as seen below. The majority of people don't know how to

Doesn't mean I shouldn't get DLC because I made a better decision.

So I'm not the only one that's come out to love Tera? God that's good news, all my friends have been giving me shit about it because I don't play WoW that much anymore with them as Tera is far more fun.

Yeah I've been noticing as well. I'm always looking to see some great Android games brought up on here, but it rarely ever happens. Really is quite a shame as the Android user market has come to match the Apple market at this point.

The Skyrim expansion isn't going to be on PC?! WHAT. THE. FUCK.

Not even cats as pets? That's odd. I'm not a personal fan of cats, mostly because I'm extremely allergic, but that's just odd.

How is "I have a few friends" too long of at title?