
Yeah I look at what I'll use the phone for vs what what's available. What it came down to is that I'd use more things that an Android has far more than an iPhone (removable storage, usb ready, flash, more PC friendly, doesn't require iTunes) and I personally prefer the openness of apps on the Android market (SNES

So I can buy this phone, talk to it to text my friend something, he can tell his phone to read the text to him, talk to it to text me something... Makes sense... Then again, I heard calling people is hard.

You posted basically the same thing twice. You act as though Apple was this all mighty creator of new things when they took ideas and re-implemented them in a smoother way that the technology of now allows them to do with such ease. For instance, there's what the iPad was based off of, more or less. The difference?

Well Steve Jobs stole shit tons of ideas, that's why. He just didn't like that Android was doing so well with what he believed was "his" idea when in reality "his" idea had been used years before the first iPod came out; the first iPhone came out; the first tablet. Hell, one of the first tablets kicked the shit out of

But... but... Kotaku said it was related so that must make it true... I read it on the internet!

Google Chrome with AdBlock Plus.

Estimated battery life? The only thing I hate about my Android phone is the battery life is shit and that seems to be a common problem from everyone that I know that has an Android phone. I know the iPhone battery life tends to last all day pretty easily whereas for my Android I have to be pretty careful with it's

Studies do show that if you're the one making more money/have more power, you're more likely to cheat in the relationship.

Oh. My. God. I want this. So bad.

While the matter wasn't destroyed or ejected from the earth's atmosphere, it could easily have been shifted to another area of the earth changing the gravitational pull of that small area of the planet. We are talking mere millionths of a gal here as well.

Weird. I have my computer hooked up to a 32" monitor and use an arcade stick, M&K and a controller for it. Once upon a time I had it hooked up to a 60" but removed it since TV's have garbage MS rates and terrible resolutions so I went to a higher quality 32" monitor. All of my consoles are hooked up to the 32" monitor

I do this all the time. There's nothing new here.

No you usually use an app for them, at least for every Android I've ever used. I believe iPhones are the same but I could be wrong.

I don't think I could stand being in the middle of the ocean completely by myself for that many years unless someone else tags along somehow. Being on the ocean is something I've always wanted to do but by myself? No thanks.

I liked it for one reason:

That's genius.

Many immigrants become criminals and gang members. Many don't really bring anything to society. Sometimes the best thing you can do for those you care about, in this case your entire country, is to send them back. Politely of course.

Holy shit they phoned someone that spoke Enlgish? That's friggin' awesome.

Uhm... If you take something that you don't own, claim it as yours, and turn around and sell it, that's theft and you can be arrested for it. That's not a rule just in Japan, that's how it is in the U.S. and I'm going to assume Europe as well. Considering it was his portable console and games, sounds like it was worth

The selling it wasn't a very Japanese thing to happen. At all. Finding something is very common in Japan but getting it back is extremely common as well.