
You and me both. I was so wrong.

Why would you play it with your family like that? Someone's bound to get pissy and flip their shiz or maybe when one of them actually wants to attempt be a "top" player, I don't see them leaving the family clique for doing what they want to do working out well. They can't all want to do the same thing all the time.

I had no idea everyone had so much trouble with her. I had more issues with Seymour Flux. Yunalesca was a one shot one kill kind of thing. Went in not knowing what to expect, came out victorious though it was difficult.

I beat Sephiroth at 50ish O.o

Fits in with the game honestly.

Why is his head so square?!

Don't forget fighting games.

Well looking at it as a piece of hardware that a kid would have, I think it looks great. If I saw a kid with that GBA, I'd be impressed.

I liked the My Neighbor Totoro GBA SP

Get a joystick.

"a Dota?" Really? DotA is an abbreviation where an "a" doesn't fit in front of it. If a company as big and power as Valve is sitting behind it, there's a reason. There's also a reason that two other companies have made games designed after "a DOTA" that have been making millions from it (League of Legends, Heroes of

I'd be this mad if my games weren't supported.

I missed the troll part. That's exactly what Notch was saying. Notch doesn't want to put it up on Steam because he doesn't want Steam to take the cut, which is why EA doesn't want to put their games on Steam. They want all the money, not just 80% of it.

What'd you buy it for? I think I got it for 10 dollars? Maybe 15? It was back in Alpha when I bought it.

The main one for Steam that my friends and I like about it is that we can't lose the game. The only way we'd lose the game is if Steam totally bunks, which is really doubtful since they're constantly working to create a better experience for their users. It makes it very easy to have all your games when you, say,

They won't ditch it. It worked, I got to play with a couple PS3 friends on my PC and they've already confirmed CS:GO for it. This is why Valve is awesome.