
Probably not since they were linked to the PS3 version.

Broke my kotaku.

L4D is a zombie shooter. Portal 2 is a puzzle game. Kids see "puzzle" and go "omg I don't want that game!" Since more younger people tend to own consoles than PC's, they'll jump on L4D sooner than Portal for that reason.

If only us outside of Japan saw most of the games that they do. Sometimes you can find a really good Japanese game that a very kind person took the time to translate for you online, but only sometimes. Also, you have some really good PSP games with a lot of those being my favorites (FFT omg).

The only time I pirate games is when they make super annoying DRM for it. I HATE when I buy a game and the DRM makes me want to punch something. When the DRM is that bad, I pirate it since they're making it more readily available and easier to access than the publisher is. Other than that, I own 100+ steam games, so I

Gabe is working on a way to trade and sell the games you have on Steam. So... This won't be an issue for you soon.

Uhm... I hit 85 in 4days 17hrs playtime and I leveled archaeology to max in that time, hit the honor cap twice, got both of my main professions up to 470+, did every classic dungeon on the way and every cata dungeon (Mage) and did about the same thing on my Hunter. So going from 1-25 in a week isn't exactly anything

Woo! This is actually really fun

Yeah, that's not that bad. I've been in bigger (Cali fag here)

What I find funny is that women will claim that men have the most trouble devoting themselves to the relationship yet women initiate divorce 66% of the time. Also, if you're a child of a single parent, if the parent is the mother and not the father you're statistically more likely to do poorly in school, get arrested,

And no one heard from her again. Well, at least he got a free beer.

Still won't be buying this one. I'm completely against Capcom's way of making money in their video games where they release, re-release then re-release their games, making us buy entire new copies of the games for a couple new characters or some features that should have been updates to the game in the first place.

They did win something like 50k dollars.

Was thinking the same thing since I can't afford an iPad.

Sweet, that's all I really needed to know. A game can look gorgeous and have awesome benchmarks, visuals, a great engine and great mechanics but if it's not fun, it's worthless as far as I feel for a game.

I'm going to guess I don't notice them doing it that often since I usually skim through the articles or have already read similar articles on other websites like Joystiq. Now I'm going to notice it all the time >.>

Yeah that's an awesome card. I really want to get that card but I just don't have the money for it and by the time I do get the money for it there will undoubtedly be something better. I recommend the 560ti to people pretty often.

I guess I can understand why he's angry a bit. I'm still bothered by the in-game AH especially since you can buy gold with cash. I loved his flailing though at 2:09 haha

"And it sounds like 'waaghhhghghghha haha waghghghgggghhhaa" made me laugh. Then the stupid luchadore guy "That is some F!@#ED UP !@#$ MAN!"