
They turn it into an Origin account automatically

Very misleading but still one of my favorite trailers of all time. Was totally heart wrenching.

I remember when this commercial was on TV. Loved it.

God that was perfect for a teaser. I was watching it going "God damn there's like 20 seconds of just the stupid lo—-BWAHAHAHA" is how it went. Also lost part of my soda.

My favorite position is the Charizard.

Yeah, still a high range PC with very good parts. I wouldn't be surprised if it could run the game at the highest settings with those specs with the finished product as long as the coding is well done, which I'm sure it is.

I've got a friend that just made one. It's pretty awesome, I love it.

Well why would he put "it's"? Would have been an obvious flaw.

Since it's the SB model, you'd have to go with the SB model of the i7 to be comparable and even then it's not a huge jump in performance. The SB of the i5 is also about 100 cheaper. Now if you can afford the i7 2600k then it's easily worth it as it's a monster of a CPU but the i5 2500k is generally better than non-SB

I'll ask one question that I know you can answer. Do you find it fun?

It's not a noob friendly game. At all.

I agree with you fully.

So she ran over him twice, screwed him up permanently and all she got was 11 months in a "young offenders instution?" Seriously? If her boyfriend had run her over, that sentence would have been far, far worse. I hate how we "Western" nations are so advanced yet our punishments for doing completely awful things are

They only lost roughly 2% of their players. Most MMO's would kill to be able to have half of the subscribers that WoW still has. Besides, it's a 6 year old game, it's probably just starting it's steady decline to where it just stagnates again.

Host a server, have friends come play on it. That's when it gets interesting.

You could look at it this way though. Comic Con is multiplatform, multimedia from everything from movies to tv shows to comics to hentai. Many panels give you free stuff for going to them, such as the EA panel giving away copies of Mass Effect 2 for showing up, free books, free backpacks etc., as well as the hundreds

Who the hell spends 5k on a computer? A strong high end machine costs 1500.

Have you seen Steam sales? MFW big game titles can go up to 90% off, it's just ridiculous! Their sales are HUGE too! I love Steam sales, I've bought almost every game I own on steam for at least 30% off, usually 50-80% off. Origin is shit

I'm more willing to bet he had an underlying health problem. Blood clots are pretty serious and doctors tend to notice them pretty damn quickly. They usually come after a really bad accident, such as a broken leg or surgery too.

Bathroom breaks, food breaks, stretch breaks. Every time I sit and play games for that long (LAN Parties usually) I'm usually getting up semi often to move a little. I don't think there's any way that he didn't at least do what everyone has been agreeing on. Stretching. Food. Bathroom.