
Aww that's nice of her. My manager just let us have 'em or he'd throw 'em away, so I'd usually take nearly all of them and sell them for 5-20 bucks a piece.

Wait it's three strikes? Sheeit I only got in trouble once. Time to go crazy.

Ask if you can take home all the strategy guides they penny out. You can sell those on eBay and Amazon. I used to work at Gamestop and used to make tons of money off those guides.

The only problem with heavy micro transaction type deals is that many companies like Activision come out with one new game per year, unlike TF2 which has been going strong for years (your hat idea). When games come out yearly like that, micro transactions start off strong then come down dramatically since the gamer's

Dear customer,

Dear customer,

Dear customer,

Dear customer,

Dear customer,

Hey customers,

Meh, doesn't bother me. As a PC gamer I've been dealing with this for years.

HERP DERP This has been going on for years before consoles became popular thanks to CD Keys for pc's, they just found a way to do it for console games now. Oh man, the agony! Even worse! You can still use the copy on another console while PC gamers still can't share their games! Oh jesus, however shall I be able to

I let my friend borrow my Wii for months, got it back, touched it twice within the 4 months I had it. Only used it to play Super Smash Brother's Melee with some people. It's currently at another friends house.

Just as there's different types of games, there's different types of sports. Yeah you generally won't see teams of 8 for eSports simply because it's not that type of game. Same thing could be said for Basketball.

Lost Odyssey was one of the best RPG's in a good while and that was a 360 exclusive.

I own it and love it. I only play when my friends are playing though and we tend to go for multi night sessions.

I would highly suggest it. It's, in my opinion, the best Street Fighter game that they've made so far.

I just figured that Third Strike didn't do that well because it was on an Anniversary Collection disc. Most people I knew didn't even know Third Strike existed until I showed it to them, of which they then fell in love with it. Most of my friends that play Street Fighter still like Third Strike more than all the

Some people have more money than they know what to do with. Literally.

Exactly what Trithleon said. Also when you played it on PS3, due to how damn'd large the game was, every time you went to the next chapter you had to install that part of the chapter while taking off the last chapter.